Do your friends know you play Pokemon?


Aspiring Trainer
I was just wondering. I guess this question is more for players in Seniors and Juniors, but I guess some younger Masters too. Do your friends at school know you play Pokemon? It might be easier when your an adult, because others will respect you even if you play a card game.

2 friends that live on my street know that I play Pokemon. One of them is my bestfriend in the world, and she would never tell anyone. The other one is just a good friend, but she doesn't know my school friends too well.

One day, at the West Orlando battle roads that was at Phoenix Games, an 8th grader at my school walked by the store (it was 2 days before school was out so I was still in 7th grade). So, I run as fast as I can towards the back of the store, hiding behind a stack of action figures or something. But of course, knowing my luck, my mom comes to see how I'm doing and walks into the store at the same time as my friend in 8th grade walks by the store. But of COURSE my dad walks out to say hi to both of them. So know that one other guy knows that I play Pokemon, but he hasn't told anyone.

I think most of the people in my small class would make fun of me, but I know my good friends would not make fun of me at all or stop after a while.

Anyone have any stories to share?
I tell everyone I know that I play Pokemon. It's my favorite thing to do, so why not tell people? I seriously get questions like "Want to go see a movie this Friday night?" and I'll reply with something like "nah man, I'm playing Pokemon that night." Although I think you should be able to tell people you play Pokemon, I would wait till high school. Kids in middle school are so misunderstanding and middle school is were you set your popularity and coolness. By high school, those kids already know you and they would know that you weren't a loser for playing pokemon.
Well, I go to a Catholic school, so everyone knows everyone. I can name everyone in the entire middle school, 5th, and 4th grade. Everyone knows me because I do the morning news and I'm in NJHS and Spanish Club. It's a small school and that sucks. I might go to a catholic high school too, but it would be wayyyy bigger than the school I'm at now.
Summer said:
I was just wondering. I guess this question is more for players in Seniors and Juniors, but I guess some younger Masters too. Do your friends at school know you play Pokemon? It might be easier when your an adult, because others will respect you even if you play a card game.

2 friends that live on my street know that I play Pokemon. One of them is my bestfriend in the world, and she would never tell anyone. The other one is just a good friend, but she doesn't know my school friends too well.

One day, at the West Orlando battle roads that was at Phoenix Games, an 8th grader at my school walked by the store (it was 2 days before school was out so I was still in 7th grade). So, I run as fast as I can towards the back of the store, hiding behind a stack of action figures or something. But of course, knowing my luck, my mom comes to see how I'm doing and walks into the store at the same time as my friend in 8th grade walks by the store. But of COURSE my dad walks out to say hi to both of them. So know that one other guy knows that I play Pokemon, but he hasn't told anyone.

I think most of the people in my small class would make fun of me, but I know my good friends would not make fun of me at all or stop after a while.

Anyone have any stories to share?

just reading that made me giggle. jsut thought it was almost like a gay story. replace pokemon with gay and it made me giggle.

on a serious note. me an 4 other friends just starting playing alot recently. were 19-21 years old

a few of my other friends know but we dont talk about it. im not embarassed by it and dont really care if people know. i just dont actively talk about or tell people
I'm twelve and I would get beaten with a stick if any body at my jacked up middle school. I told two girls in my gym class and they know, but they don't make fun of me, and were pretty good friends. This other girl that's my friend as well, I told her I like. But she says the money I spend on it is a waste. :( But if I told a popular girl at my school (most of them are) it would get so out of hand I don't even want to say what would happen.
I would have to have friends first, right?
LOL, My friends know, I'm the only one who can stand to dabble outside of MTG where I play.
All my friends know and frankly they don't care cause I'm a person that doesn't look like I'd play in the first place.

Like GHjames said, in High school it doesn't really matter.​
Well, given that my friends are a bunch of nice guys, I doubt they would make fun of me if I did tell them. However, anyone younger than me just says I'm weird if they find out.
I usually don't tell anyone. Only my parents, sister & my only 2 friends know that I like Pokémon... In Portugal, Pokémon isn't popular anymore and since I'm already 18, I don't want people to think that I'm childish...
As a current senior in high school, I am 100% open about my tendencies of playing and collecting Pokemon TCG. I wear Pokemon shirts, once brought in my card collection because people in my physics class wanted to see it, and I even once had a TCG game with my friend on an overnight field trip, and other people came by and watched, with only one or two ensuing facepalms. I figure that the people who think playing Pokemon at this age is taboo aren't really worth having as friends anyway.

I understand keeping it on the DL in middle school; simply put, people in middle school tend to be jerks. It's not large enough like high school where if you're a total nerd no one really cares.
Oh man, I only have friends who play pokemon, and as for the people who went to school with us knew for sure. We'd also talk about tournaments and play games at lunch, I think they all thought we were nerds for it but whatever. Edit: And if people found out at my new school and tried to pick on me, I'd just fire lasers out of my eyes at them, so I'm not concerned.
Most of my friends play Pokemon, too. I probably won't be shouting it out to the rest of my school anytime soon, however.
Vulpix Yolk said:
I think they all thought we were nerds for it but whatever.
You think? :p
I play, have been playing since I was, 6? Whenever Base Set came out. I've also been playing VG since Blue/Red. Pokemon was my life. It still is for the most part, minus the plushies/clothes. ^^;;;

I never learned to play TCG until this May, because I thought it was hard.
I collected nothing from 2002-Apr2010, because I kind of lost interest, but now I'm more into it then ever.

I start my senior year of Highschool in two weeks, (WOW, scary thought. -.-)
3 people know I play;
#One doesn't care.
#Two plays with/against me,
#Three, I actually got her INTO Pokemon games just last Christmas, She used to rock TCG since Base Set, but doesn't play anymore. She leaves overseas in a week, and I don't see her untill December, but I may be able to get her back into TCG haha.

I wouldn't tell the rest of my friends, cause ya know, we're nearly 18, we're supposed to be manly and such, not playing Pokemon.

I keep it on the DL at my highschool, I don't need additional labels and stereotypes on my back.

Considering I'll be attending my first Legit Pokemon tourny this September, and I'll be in Masters? Sheeeeeesh.
Ah, yet another one of these topics! Guess I have to post. Well, I just finished middle school but due to being rather self-conscious and everyone being an ignorant jerk that judges everyone, I didn't skip around singing that I like pokemon. What mainly bothers me is that I'd understand if people thought it was nerdy (let's face it, it is :p). They wouldn't even bash it as much. But no, everybody considers it a childish and pathetic thing that you should be ashamed if you haven't grown out of it, or still like it. That really ticks me off because as someone very short for my age I hate it when people a lot more immature than me(in some ways), some actually younger, treat me like a younger kid. Not everybody was just a stupid little kid excited about the pictures on cards, and if you play it at this age, of course you aren't. It's really just a fun activity that takes skill and strategy, and though it can cost money, it gets about as competitive as some sports. I know that usually in high school "nobody cares", but I don't know... I'm in one of those areas that's really bad when it comes to that, and I only start high school in a week so it's hard to believe. :/ I still won't hurt my social life walking around asking if people play pokemon, because that's still weird, but I guess if asked or if it comes up I wouldn't deny that I enjoy the game.
Meaty said:
That really ticks me off because as someone very short for my age I hate it when people a lot more immature than me(in some ways), some actually younger, treat me like a younger kid. Not everybody was just a stupid little kid excited about the pictures on cards, and if you play it at this age, of course you aren't.

Haha, I feel you man. I've been collecting since Base Set, but back then I only cared about the pictures. I actually only learned to play TCG in May, after going on Collecting Hiatus from 02-Apr10.

I'm 17, and I'm only 155cm (5'1.) and I'm treated like a child quite a bit.
A friend of mine, who is 15, can't figure out why people treat me like an adult when I'm in a store or something. It really irks me because, am I not entitled to be treated my age, despite my appearance?

Yea, I agree with everyone who agrees that Pokemon is nerdy. I AM a nerd either way lol. I'm the smartest in my class, and my bestfriend at school calls me a nerd and we start laughing about it together. She's just joking around though. I'm wearing those Real Digital 3D glasses that you get at movies more places I go now with the eye 3D thingers punched out, admitting my nerdiness. Actually, for up coming Battle Roads I'm going to put rhinestones on them :D And I'm really white for a person that lives in Florida. So my theme song is White and Nerdy :)
I make sure that EVERYONE I know knows that I play Pokemon. Even people that aren't my friends. I couldn't care less what people think about what I do. If they don't like it then it's their problem. Why should anyone hide something about themselves just cause they're afraid some people won't like it? o_0
Summer said:
Yea, I agree with everyone who agrees that Pokemon is nerdy. I AM a nerd either way lol. I'm the smartest in my class, and my bestfriend at school calls me a nerd and we start laughing about it together. She's just joking around though. I'm wearing those Real Digital 3D glasses that you get at movies more places I go now with the eye 3D thingers punched out, admitting my nerdiness. Actually, for up coming Battle Roads I'm going to put rhinestones on them :D And I'm really white for a person that lives in Florida. So my theme song is White and Nerdy :)

-claps- Way to be. :]
Our Fall BR, I will be attending in Team Rocket Grunt outfit.

I did once wear those RealD glasses with hockey tape around the bridge through school once. Now I'm a fairly average guy, but I had girls all over me. Nerdy, Normal, and Popular, only because I was wearing the specs.