Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/8/14**

All my pokemon are flawless with 5 IVs. What I mean by that is that they have the 5 IVs in the correct places. So the Swinub has all 31 but sp atk.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/8/14**

Dr.Mario said:
All my pokemon are flawless with 5 IVs. What I mean by that is that they have the 5 IVs in the correct places. So the Swinub has all 31 but sp atk.

Wonderful. When can you trade? Throw me a time and place and you got it.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/8/14**

Dr.Mario said:
I see you say you have battle items. Could you trade me a Scope Lens for the slowpoke?

I sure can, would you be able to nickname it "Dr. Watson" for me please?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/8/14**

Male or female?

Super__Sonic said:
Dr.Mario said:
All my pokemon are flawless with 5 IVs. What I mean by that is that they have the 5 IVs in the correct places. So the Swinub has all 31 but sp atk.

Wonderful. When can you trade? Throw me a time and place and you got it.

Lets try for 7:00pm server time
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/8/14**

Could I get 5 IV Relaxed Ferroseed w/ Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Leech Seed for any BP item you want? Or if not cml. available to trade now :)
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/8/14**

Would you do a weakness policy and a power belt for the ferroseed?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/8/14**

Sure will! Added your fc and buying your items now :)
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/8/14**

Thanks for the trade! Your now in my thanks list :)
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/16/14**

5 IV Bold Chansey w/ Aromatherapy, Counter and Seismic Toss
5 IV Adamant Meditite w/ Thunder Punch
5 IV Jolly Tyrunt w/ Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang and DD
5 IV Adamant Skiddo (HA)
5 IV Modest Mareep
5 IV Impish Phanpy w/ Ice Shard
5 IV Timid Electrike
Also, I am always looking for battles. If you are wanting to test your team just hit me up.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/16/14**

Hey, I'm interested in your 5 IV Impish Phanphy w/Ice Shard, 5 IV Jolly Tyrunt w/ Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang and DD & 5 IV Adamant Meditite w/ Thunder Punch (in order of preference just in case you can't find 3 Pokemon you want off me). Let me know if anything in my thread interests you.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/16/14**

My Phanpy, Tyrunt and Meditite

Your Dratini, Gastly Goomy

How does that sound? Also the Phanpy will have to be male because those are all I have in stock but I can offer either gender for the other two just let me know. The female Tyrunt normally would cost extra but we have traded so much I won't ask for anything if you would like one.

Edit: Could the Goomy be female? The others I don't mind either gender.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/16/14**

Could i get a 5iv Adamant Swinub Stealth Rock and Icicle Crash (HA) for something off my list. Or a battle item (48Bp)
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/16/14**

xDkoYx said:
Could i get a 5iv Adamant Swinub Stealth Rock and Icicle Crash (HA) for something off my list. Or a battle item (48Bp)

Sure thing I am just going to need some time to breed it as i traded my last one not to long ago. In return could I get a Power band, anklet and bracer?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/16/14**

Deffinatly I'm up to battle 72 on Bpso I got a lot to spare XD
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/16/14**

Dr.Mario said:
My Phanpy, Tyrunt and Meditite

Your Dratini, Gastly Goomy

How does that sound? Also the Phanpy will have to be male because those are all I have in stock but I can offer either gender for the other two just let me know. The female Tyrunt normally would cost extra but we have traded so much I won't ask for anything if you would like one.

Edit: Could the Goomy be female? The others I don't mind either gender.

Alright, I can do those three that you've asked for (Goomy will be female). It would be great if you could get me a female Tyrunt and I'd like the Meditite to be female as well ^^

Give me 2-3 days to make your Pokemon,
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/16/14**

What I like:
5 IV Calm Sableye w/ Recover (HA)

Could you trade it for:
5 IV Adamant Bunnelby (HA)
Sinc it doesn't have an egg move I could always EV train it for you instead.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/16/14**

Hmm I dont really want the bunny but do you have access to battle items?