Doctor Who

Doctor Who is my favourite tv show lol.

I've been watching it since Rose Tyler was the companion and must say Amy Pond is my favourite companion so far :p.

I was telling all my friends a month before we found out who River Song was as it was pretty obvious that she would be Amy's daughter lol.

The Doctor and River flirting is hillarious as the way Matt portrays himself in those scenes is awesome.
Is that it? I didn't know if it was the whole season or just the first episode. Well it makes sense though.
Howdy all, I just started watching the 2010 series last week, and even though I really can't stand Sci fi, like it's my least favorite genre, I almost finished the series in two days. I have to say the 2010 series is really amazing, I tried to watch the first episode of the 2005 series but the film quality, editing, and acting were so bad I couldn't continue. No offense or anything, I just really didn't like that one.
Yeah, I guess SA deserves SOME credit....keep in mind you're like the fiftieth person to recommend the show to all started with the conversation about school...when we were supposed to be doing homework...

Good times, good times...
This show is absolutely amazing and it needs more people to watch it and subsequently like it. This Season is pretty darn good IMO.

dmaster out.
I still have yet to see an episode where the Doctor goes back in time to see Jesus. I've already seen his confrontation with Hitler and it was interesting. Doesn't seem like he's got much time to live, I wonder how he can manage to cheat his own death from River Song.

Amy Pond's daughter River Song (Melody Pond) is the one who ends up killing the Doctor in the astronaut suit most likely she was brainwashed by that lady with the eyepatch who kidnapped her from Rory and Amy so the Doctor will have to change history by stopping that eyepatch woman I forgot her name.

I still don't get how River Song is part Time Lord since she can regenerate herself.
Love this show. Missed the last 2 or 3 episodes and On Demand won't put them up for some reason.

It wasn't that she (River) was brainwashed. She was trained to kill The Doctor. The fact that they saw that it was a little girl in the suit in the second episode, and then the revelation that River was Amy's daughter (and a bunch of other hints and clues dabbled around the last couple seasons) kind of confirmed it.

River's part Time Lord because she was conceived in the TARDIS. Don't expect me to explain how that works, because in all honesty, I can't remember the exact specifics.
I've been thinking about starting this series, actually, as I've run through pretty much everything else that interests me on Netflix. Unfortunately, time's been a real issue -- Dr. Who is definitely the next show I'm going to watch through, though.
Surpised Lenny hasn't posted.
But yeah, I started watching this series since good ol' Tom Baker was the doctor. Pretty amazing series and I have high hopes for what new episode that Matt Smith brings.
Yeah I love watching Doctor Who. I'll be watching todays episode tomorrow but it looks really fun! I'm hoping we can see some old friends again like Captain Jack before the seaosn ends. Also, is it just me or has there been quite a number of episodes this season where nobody dies?
Delta said:
Surpised Lenny hasn't posted.
But yeah, I started watching this series since good ol' Tom Baker was the doctor. Pretty amazing series and I have high hopes for what new episode that Matt Smith brings.

I haven't posted because I made a thread about this maybe a month ago? ;p

I'm crazy obsessed with this show. No joke, I love it so much. I'm looking forward to tonight's episode (the episode before the finale).

It's pretty obvious River Song kills the Doctor in the Astronaut Suit, but it's obviously going to be more complicated than that. I think I've deciphered what it was meant when they said "Silence will fall when the question is asked". Episode 13 is called "The Wedding of River Song". So I think the question might be: "will you marry me?", probably asked by The Doctor.

I also found it weird that in the first episode of Season 6, when the Astronaut is escaping back into the water, River Song tries to shoot it, misses (or something) all 6 shots, and then says "figures" or something like that. I don't think River Song would shoot at herself. Unless that was all an "act" played by River Song to keep her cover and not reveal any "spoilers". If River Song was really in that Astronaut Suit, I don't think that the River Song who shot at it had done it yet. This leads me to believe that either an older River Song kills the Doctor, or something along those lines. It just seems so forced that River Song would shoot at the Astronaut and act completely surprised just to keep her cover. But that may very well be the case.
ForeignDude said:
Yeah I love watching Doctor Who. I'll be watching todays episode tomorrow but it looks really fun! I'm hoping we can see some old friends again like Captain Jack before the seaosn ends. Also, is it just me or has there been quite a number of episodes this season where nobody dies?

Cap. Jack is dead dude. He was the face of Bo back when David Tennant was the doctor.
And River was in the astronaught suit, as a kid. Which is even stranger.
@Lenny; Nice theory, but there's two flaws/gaps (possibly more that I'm not thinking of).

[1] The person in the Astronaut Suit was a little girl. Amy shot her at the end of Episode 1. I'm sure it was young River, but there's flaws with that as well (the main one being the entire first half of Let's Kill Hitler).
[2] The River they knew was in jail for murdering a "good man". I'm assuming they mean The Doctor. If it was an older River, that would throw continuity for a loop. Then again, this IS Doctor Who.