BW/BW2 Does Anyone think pokemon is just getting weirder by the day?

Is pokemon becoming weider by the day?

  • Yes, Pokemon is becoming weird

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • No, Pokemon was always like this

    Votes: 42 79.2%

  • Total voters
I think Pokemon, though they are repeating ideas, are getting better. Sure Koromori might also be a bat and Rankurusu may be a...erm...a thing, they still seem cool to me.
for all the people that say pokemon is getting weirder they are all wrong
because it keeps getting better and better!

Static Kid said:
pokemon is getting kind of lame now, although i do like the new corocoro scan leaked stuff!

yeah if you think its lame than stop playing it simple as that bro!!
Gen 1 was simpler designs, that's all, but they can't keep that up forever. When you really think about it there are some Pokemon that are kinda weird, but that doesn't really matter. Most are awesome or cute and the games are good anyway.
There IS one thing no one here has really considered.
When you're 5 or 10 years old and you see a cute monster video game/anime, you don't care at ALL if the design is "overdone" or "ugly". You just play it like there's no tomorrow.
But on the other hand, if you're 15+, or even in your 20's like some on this forum, you're more apt to be critical and suspicious of the new designs.
Find your inner child and stop worrying, folks :D
Pvt.Politoed said:
There IS one thing no one here has really considered.
When you're 5 or 10 years old and you see a cute monster video game/anime, you don't care at ALL if the design is "overdone" or "ugly". You just play it like there's no tomorrow.
But on the other hand, if you're 15+, or even in your 20's like some on this forum, you're more apt to be critical and suspicious of the new designs.
Find your inner child and stop worrying, folks :D

haha i agree im 16 and now i look at the designs more and stuff! :]
but i think all the new pokes are pretty cool
zero20 said:
haha i agree im 16 and now i look at the designs more and stuff! :]
but i think all the new pokes are pretty cool

Ayup, as am I. I'm also pretty pleased that they've managed to keep Pokemon so original :3
the ONLY reason people hate on new pokemon is nostalgia
its just people that loved pokemon when they were kids
and have always preferred the originals

i am one of these people
for me.
the first generation will always be the best

but i dont hate they new generations

its just pokemon like magmortar, rhyperior and electivire
that annoy me
they're weird evolutions of classic pokemon that really didn't need them
By weird I mean they don't look like any animal or anything earthlike anymore... but I guess that's what makes them interesting(to some people). And yes, I used think that magmortar, rhyperior and electivire togekiss were unreasonable evolutions to classic pokemon but I eventually got over it. Not all the new ones are weird to me however, the lil phantom/illusion pokemon looked cool to me. This might just be my opinion but everyone's elses will be different.
I've played pokemon since the start but I don't think it's gotten weirder though. If anything the designs have become more interesting and diverse.

I'm happy that I'm able to accept new pokemon instead of holding on to the first 151. My favourite gens for pokemon designs from favourite to least favourite is: Hoenn -> Johto -> Kanto -> Sinnoh. I have many favourites from each gen though.

It's looking like Isshu might topple Hoenn (or at least get 2nd place) at this stage.
The first generation is my favorite and I'll admit it's mainly because that's the generation I grew up with, but I'll also admit it has some stupid Pokémon in it. I was never a fan of ones like Voltorb/Electrode or Mr. Mime. Even my least favorite generation, the fourth, has some Pokémon in it that I love, like Lucario and Gallade.

The designs were much simpler in the past, but in order to keep interest they needed to make them more complex. Honestly, if Pokémon still looked the same as the first generations, people would be complaining about how they haven't improved at all over the years.

Pokémon aren't getting weird, they've always been weird. I like them that way. Weird is good. Heck, my favorite Pokémon, Hitmonlee, has been around since the beginning and is a brown body with no head and eyes in his chest! If that's not a weird Pokémon, what is?
I don't care that the designs are becoming more complex or "weird", I love every Pokémon :) Although I must admit I had to get used to the 4th Gen evolutions of some of the older Pokés. Some of them at first seemed too odd to be real (I'm looking at you, Probopass! lol :p)
Pokemon just seems to get...umm...funner. Just like Pokemon itself, the generations seem to be evolving. As we progress, the generations and Pokemon ideas become more mature, possibly because GameFreak does not want to lose the classic fans it had back in the first generation.
i dont think the design are getting wierder, just more...complex
at least were not naming a seal pokemon "seel", anymore!