Does Flychamp still stand a chance in the format?


Team Rogue
Does Flychamp have a chance at cities? Yes or no, why.
Give a reason. If you say no, state a deck that can beat Flychamp.
You'd probably want the State of the Game Forum. This Forum is for competitive Video Game battling, not TCG.


dmaster out.
If it's a good build, yes. Otherwise, no. I'd think the same with Flyphan, but not as much. Sadly, neither deck works well without Claydol and Roseannes. Vilegar, Magnegatr, Gyarados, and
possibly Charizard and Jumpluff.
No, too slow for not a huge amount of damage. After Roseanne's and Claydol, this deck just doesn't go quickly enough to outspeed much. It loses to Gyara, which outspeeds it, Jumpluff, which outspeeds it, and, of course, Magnegatr, which just mows through it.
I agree. It's just too slow compared to Gyarados, SP's and even Jumpluff. VileGar is not too great for it either.
The trouble is that Flychamp could only just about cope with Luxchomp when it had Claydol. Right now, SP is just going to outspeed it. You'd be better trying Machamp with something like Kingdra.