DPPt/HGSS Does Pt/P/D/SS/HG work on 3DS XL?


Aspiring Trainer
Ive seen some people say that it just stopped working for them one day. Is this a problem with the console it self or something else (if it even is a problem)? Ive seen this most commonly with the Platinum version. Thanks.
I just got my 3DS XL today and tried Platinum version on it. Everything seemed to work well. I didnt do any trading or communication between games at all so I dont know how well that works.
4th Gen games can play in a 3DS XL just fine (I have seen a friend play HG in it with no difficulty). The only bit that is tricky is Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection; 4th Gen games are only compatible with WEP-encrypted connections - which aren't quite as common anymore in favor of WPA. But that's the only issue, as far as I know.
3DS's can play 4th gen games. I still play them daily and the 3DS supports both WEP and WPA. I just got mine about a month or so ago because we switched networks and my network does not support WEP so I had to get a 3DSXL to trade only on 5th gen. Yeah they work fine XD. To get to your WEP options select settings from the 3DS menu and I think you tap internet options and go to DS wireless options or something XD.:)
I also own a 3DS and all the generation 4 games. I just tried all of them for you and everything seems to work fine!
I've had my 3DS XL for about 5 months now, and I've been playing my 4th Generation games a lot on it. The 3D obviously doesn't work, but I don't go online, so I have no idea if something will go wrong while online.