Does the rise of Trainer Locks signal the death of SP Domination?


Savior of the Universe!!
As someone who came back into the game when SP was king, I'm actually pretty excited to see that a lot of th new sets have cards to combat them. Now I will not say that I hate SPs because after all they do have their flaws but they are few and far between.

For Example:

*SPs have cards have cards that only or primarily work with them, ex: (Cyrus, Poke-turn, Energy Gain)
*All are Basics with considerably high HP, especially those from earlier sets.
* SP decks are SUPER FAST!!! (with energy gain and sometimes a successful level max SPs can have a major contender by turn two one or two, depending on who goes first)
* Poke turn makes fighting SP decks very slow since they can Poke-turn damage and Special conditions away. Non- SP options for this all require a coin flip.

With Viletomb/Gengar and other trainer lock style decks coming into popularity and the next rotation getting rid of most of SP deck support (Cyrus, Poketurn etc.) Is this the beginning of the end of SP decks?

Now I know the first thing someone is going to say is use Dialga G lvlX to turn off Vileplumes power. However most SP decks are extremely structured with little room for modification. Now while some SP decks can find room for this line some just can't.

Another big contender out are legends who are looking to become the next SP type group in the game. While not as fast as SP they are very beefy pokemon who do not require evolution. However they are a little more tame due to most of them requiring large amounts of energy.While they do have cards that work only with them right now its only one (legend box). But ERL can do a great bit of damage to SP decks since many common SP bench aids have powers to snipe at.

So what do you guys think?

Do you think its time for SPs to step out of the Spotlight? Are the new Trainer locks and other popular Decks going to change up the game a bit? I'm just curious to see what others may think. If you run SP how will you combat new meta-games? If not what do you run to combat them?

Thanks for the input in advance :)

P.S. I run a Vileplume/Crobat Deck currently.
I have ran SPs as techs but never as main attackers.
I'd say no. With DGX still in the format, SP's have their counter. DialgaChomp ruins SPs and just an SP deck with a DGX tech can work effectively. It may hurt SP's, but with Collector and Bebe's, SP can consistently get out a DGX.
Trainer lock hurts SP but does not destroy it. Any well built SP deck should be able to beat a trainer lock deck at least some of the time. As for your comment about the rotation, I agree that SP decks will die once we lose Platinum.
I agree with Cyndaquil Master. Pretty much all SP is playing DGX now if they can. I also agree with sillyklye! because a well built SP deck will have a way to survive by using Collector, Cyrus, and other supporters they'll just be a turn or 2 slower.
From what I have seen its not just speed that makes SP so dangerous as its methods of Poke-turning damage and Poke-turning to use powers or bodies that can make beating them difficult. With Poke-turn gone they may at least be a little easier to take out. What do you guys think are some strategies ( other than Dialga G lvl X ) that SP decks are going to use to overcome the trainer lock?
Blaziken FB lv.X is starting to see a lot more play. It's ability to one shot pretty much any steel type Pokemon (which are starting to gain popularity as well) as well as it's ability to drag up a Vileplume and then KO it the following turn makes it a really good play at the moment.
No, SP's still have the speed to set up faster than Vilegar, but some SPs without a Dialga G X tech may lose popularity...
I think machamp and vioplume is better than gengar and vioplume. So if you added that instead and when the next sext come's out the supporter card hunter will be out with you can get vioplume back in your hand use all the trainer cards from your hand then lay back down vioplume because of broken time space.
No Blaziken cannot kill Vileplume in one hit. Vileplume's weakness is [P], not [R]
^I know. I'm saying that unless Vileplume can retreat/switch out of the Burn, it is a KO.
Well thats basically a given. If they hit two tails on burn, though, then you can dragon rush it next turn.
Yeah true. In the matchup i usually go for a more aggro aproach attacking gengar and getting around FS as often as possible.
If i'm not mistaken the only way to un-burn the Vileplume above would be to retreat or warp energy attach....since it body would prevent switch from being played.
They could also have Venusaur (Supreme Victors) preventing Vileplume from getting a Special Conditions anyways. That or they could have Dodrio on the bench giving them free retreat with Vileplume.

If they have Dialga G Lv. X then they can simply Level-Down with Gengar and to counter power spray play Cyrus Initiative or Looker/Judge to reduce the chances of them having it beforehand.
Who in their right mind would put another stage 2 into their Vilegar just to prevent Vileplume from getting affected by special conditions?