Does the rise of Trainer Locks signal the death of SP Domination?

Who in their right mind would put another stage 2 into their Vilegar just to prevent Vileplume from getting affected by special conditions?

Someone who trys to think outside of box but ends up failing. To which i (and many others) would simply just say warp energy.
Personally I thought the Idea of a Venusaur tech had some merit....why try to be like everyone else? Just my opinion there. Plus getting special energy is kind of luck of the draw unless you run a couple of interviewers because very few cards search for it or can fish it out.
You wont always have Warp energy and with Vileplume in play you can't use trainers to get it out. You also might not have the spare supporter to play Interviewer or even have it in your hand.

Dodrio would be preferred for free retreat but if the deck is more grass based (with Vileplume) then there is no reason to NOT have Venusaur in a grass deck to avoid not only Luring Flame, but Severe Poison and some of the other special condition decks.
Its a waste of space to put in venusaur. If it prevented all status from all pokemon, then maybe.
How 'bout not bothering with DGX vs level down trash, running a drifblim fb tech, and not screwing around with your list so you can control your hand size and retreat drifblim for 1 Energy while having Drifblim avoid the 2 turn kill with Garchomp's help and forcing them to shadow room for 30 or double kill the Garchomp while you clear their field for a few prizes and taking the rest by playing your good SP deck?

Gengar is way too easy to manipulate to their disadvantage. That's why I personally don't like seeing players falling to Gengar because they have no outs to a trainerful hand.

Hehe, not with well played DGX techs they don't.
But I see your point and this has been bothering me as well lately.
Lol, with Dialga/Chomp you can manipulate hand sizes vs Gengar very easily turning from what would seem to be a hefty amount to like nothing with special metals.
I think Pokemon of America is trying to soften the blow of the power creep (SP) by introducing many different ways to deal with SP. I could signal the death of SP, or it couldn't.
I designed my deck specifically to run low of trainers (3). It was a machamp deck and it beat the vilegar deck I went up against at BR and I took 4th. The most damage they could do was 30 as I never got those trainers in my hands and played every supporter I could to make sure I wasn't holding on to too many.

It's just another format you have to work around. There are ways to beat it, just like everything else.
You would agree, that in order to make Dialga X useful against trainer lock, you need to:
1) Have tons of trainers ready to be played, which means a prize against you
2) Not be lookered right after/ before Dialga gets out
3) Play enough power sprays to get them after being lookered

I doubt those situations stay in your favor for just a teched DGX ;P

I teched Dialga G Lv.X in a Luxchomp list and Vilegar couldn't really do anything about it, even if it level downed Dialga, I had already used my trainers so my hand was usually empty except for maybe a lone supporter.

Running Dialgachomp, I increased my supporter count and with special metal and resistance, Dialga just sat in the active slot eating their pokemon. I use Roserade GL to get around Fainting Spell, it's a very frustrating card. Locks up Spiritombs, can snipe the bench as long as they have a status condition.