Does Time Travel exist?


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Before I saw this clip with no volume on, I was very skeptical about it. However, I now think it may very well be positive. In the clip, you will see a 1920's recording. However, instead of it being a normal film, there is a MASSIVE hitch. One of the people in the back is carrying around a standard sized cell phone for today's society. Look at this, then post comments.
Wow that's really inturiging. But if time travel does exist then when was the time machine invented?
Just like all UFO sightings, this has a perfectly logical explanation and no, its not time travel.

Only Diagla can time travel. lol

There is no such thing as time travel. Not now, and probably not ever.
Time travel can exist. Time is just circular and unpredictable so we can never know where we are going to travel back. Once we crack the code, we may be able to travel through time.
There is time travel, unfortunately it is only one way. Forward. As for the speculation about the cell phone, it couldn't work without cell towers.
All wrong and all right, my children. Time is not linear , it's a big time woobly wabbley ball like yarn instance. Yes it does exist. We are actually travelling through time itself right now. You just can see the difference. How do you know something has changed in your time line? Ask yourself that.
I am taking AP Physics right now and I have learned that Time Travel does exist. However, if we travel using a time machine, we can only travel back up to when that time machine was created. (Example: If a time machine is built in 2009. The maximum we could go back is to the exact time it was created.)
No, Time Travel would be impossible, to a distant past would be impossible unless as Darkrai says the Time machine was invented around 1920 A.D. I doubt anyone invented anything like that.
Why is everyone talking about extended time travel as if they have any idea of how it could work?

Anyhow, I suppose that -could- be a cellular phone, but it just seems very, very unlikely, doesn't it? ._. The image is so blurry, as well; this just seems like a publicity stunt for George Clarke to me, guys...
Alright, here's a question for all of're all saying that time travel exists or doesn't exist, each of you giving different sources. HOW can you prove that backwards time travel CAN or CANNOT occur if the ONLY time travel we have been doing is going FORWARD at our normal pace?
Go conspiracy theories. This clip has been going around the internet for some time now. Anyway, and now I'm assuming this clip is taken from the actual movie instead of being fake, can you actually see the person carrying a cell phone? No, you cannot. It might look like the person is carrying a cell phone, though that doesn't the person does. People see what they want to see. Either the person holds his/her arm in an awkward position or he/she is a person, managed somehow to get all the way from the future back to 1920 in order to gain his/her debut in a Charlie Chaplin movie, I personally think the first one is a better explanation.

Anyway, before an actual discussion starts on whether travelling through time (though travelling is actually the wrong word, since it implies a movement in space rather than time) is possible or not I think we should leave this to the real scientists. I could do an attempt in explaining it, although I'm sure that many scientists are way better in in doing so then I could do, so I pass. I do study Physics however, but I'm only 16 years old and still have a lot to learn and it's a real pain to see 12-year olds making an attempt to explain. If you really want, then first explain the concept of time, I bet you won't succeed in doing so in the first place.
There is something these days called video manipulation too.

Time travel, for me, is impossible. The future gives us no evidence, and the past could be an illusion. (Sure it isn't, but so what) If it were possible to go anywhere other than forward, it won't be before I'm dead and buried.
@Chiraami. How could time travelling be impossible for you? Could it be possible for me instead then? Throwing opinions around doesn't help much, what you think doesn't matter. Of course the future won't give us no evidence, it hasn't happened yet, and the past? Your phrase didn't even make sense. And how are you so sure that, if it indeed turns out to be possible in practice, the discovery of it will be after your death? Technology is going fast, and it only speeds up more and more.
I think its all possible. Paradoxes can rupture the space time and it does constantly.
@Darkvoid57. Bad for you paradoxes don't exist. A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself, therefor it cannot exist. And I don't see either how a statement can rupture space-time anyway.
I'm with Chirami. If God wanted us to move around our schedule, he'd of given us this tool. Obviously, he works at hs own pace. I'll be worm food before any of this actually happens. (Because it won't.)
@Rikko145. Have you even read what he said? And have you even read what I replied to him? Anyway, if you want to give some supernatural being a role in this discussion then first give me prove of his/her existence. Better be sure then just assuming, shouldn't we? And the chances of you becoming worm food are actually pretty big, I mean if you decide to get buried at least.
@Pokequaza: Woah slow your roll sachmo, lets not turn this into a religion debate.

Anyway, can someone explain to me why you can't travel past the date the time machine was invented? Also I personally think you can't "travel" into the future, but you can go to the past. How can you go to a time that doesn't exisit yet?
On the subject of paradoxes, if you were to go back and time and for some reason try to kill your own grandmother, instead of making it impossible to have ever happened, what if the universe simply doesnt allow this so on the way to kill your grandmother you get hit by a car, or something else stops you from actually killing your own grandmother before you were born.
That's not a cellphone, it's an ice pack. The woman got slapped by her pimp so she put an ice pack on to reduce the swelling and bruising, simple as that.
Unfortunately, it will be impossible to rip through time
without time actually being.....there
it's hard to explain
time does pass but, how can one...
rip time if it is laminated?