Does Time Travel exist?

I agree that traveling to future is stupid. The only profit I see from it is you are dieing from a disease and you want to travel to the future for a cure. Because being alive a 100 years from now, should be better than being dead a year from now.
I guess that makes good sense. I for one wouldn't do that, though. That's basically like telling your friends and family that living is much more important than spending your final moments with them. The fact is; you're gonna die sooner or later.

I think Time Travel would be more safe if we knew what the future held. It's the decisions that we make now that shapes the future. Seeing all the war, poverty, famine, death, etc, that we have now; I doubt the future will be bright for whoever is to travel through time.
And also i think there is no sense of going to the future because even if you could go back to your time anything you seen while in your trip will have an impact in you which would define some of your actions that maybe you would have done differently and maybe one action can change the whole future and therefore that future won`t really exist at least not in your reality
@ShadowArceus. You are not sitting in one place and moving through time. The Earth rotates around her own axle, around the Sun. Our solar system rotates around the center of the Milky Way, and even our Milky Way is moving.

@TheDarkLucario. How would you be able to travel to the future? It hasn't existed yet, so how would 'it' know in what kind of evironment you would end up?

On the other hand travelling to the past makes sense, where you just create an alternative timeline every time by travelling back and live forth from there.
^Traveling to the past is impossible, even with Multiuniverses. There is about 1 universe for every nanosecond. I know this because every nanosecond something could change how your life ends up. Let me explain it through an example.

Let's say instead of going on Pokebeach today, you decide to go outside to walk around. Out there, you get shot and you die. Basically, there's going to be more than one universe/outcome. In one universe, you actually didn't go outside, therefore you never got shot and died. In another universe, you got shot, but you didn't die because you walked a little faster. In another universe, you decided to eat instead of going on Pokebeach or going outside. As you can see, there are billions of possibilities for just a little time. So basically, each second causes more universes to pop up, and from those universes more will pop up. (sorry if you don't understand this;I'm not the best explainer)

Now let's say you found out a way to get to these other universes. You still have to find the right universe out of like a quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion to the quadrillionith power universes. Basically, by the time you found the right universe, you would be dead for like a trillion years.
You do not need to explain these things. I am aware of the fact, that if this is indeed true, there are uncountable number of parallel universes which are increasing with such a big number every second that it's almost impossible to count. The wrong assumption you make is that when trying to travel through time to the past you get to choose of all the possible universes existing back then. Why do you assume this? What if there, in this universe, is only one past to travel back to, the past that has happened before. And what if your assumption is true, then there would always be a chance, even though small, that you would pick the right universe the first time. If that's the case time travel is possible right? Even though the chances are incredibly small that doesn't make it impossible.
Editing exists.
I can tell by the pixels and I have seen quite a few time-travel videos in my day.
O_O That's strange, but interesting!
I don't think time travel is possible though... It's mostly just something you hear about in TV shows, movies, and other fictional stuff.
@Makenzie. How can you think that something is either possible or not? It either is or it isn't, what you think doesn't matter. Anyway time travelling is theoritical possible, we also have sent sub-atomic particles a few nano-seconds back in time, so that basically confirmed it.