And i wasn't talking about before-catcher format in my last message. Besides we play proxied catchers in leagues so. It's easy to ohko ninetales anyway. if sacrifice ninetales lines you can tech more drawing cards and etc.Ty W said:Catcher is not a legal card yet, we're talking about the format that we still have the biggest tournament of the year with.
Ninetales can really help you draw out of bad hands, and make your hand get to a really high count so yanmegas need a copycat to attack.
Ty W said:Catcher is not a legal card yet, we're talking about the format that we still have the biggest tournament of the year with.
Cause those 3 most likely not coming in emerging powers unlike catcher.Vulpix Yolk said:Thank you. Thank you. I dislike people only thinking about Catcher if they are testing a Emerging Powers format. If you are going to mention and test with Catcher why not play this things like Kyurem or Evolite or Rocky Helmet? Either play with all staples in Emerging Powers, or none at all. Anyways though, from what I have seen with testing Reshiphosion is that Ninetails is not needed. I will have to test some more though, maybe it is just the list that I am using. Vulpix are easy to reversal up and kill and it is better to focus on Typhosion. Oh and thanks again Ty.
Ty W said:Catcher is not a legal card yet, we're talking about the format that we still have the biggest tournament of the year with.
Ninetales can really help you draw out of bad hands, and make your hand get to a really high count so yanmegas need a copycat to attack.