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DonChamp (with Landorus)


Aspiring Trainer
Okay, so I got a Deck list today from a store, that sells Pokémon Card singles and it's a DonChamp list that includes Landorus:


3-3 Donphan Prime
3-2-3 Machamp Prime
4 Landorus

Total: 18


3 Rare Candy
3 Junk Arm
2 Switch
4 Collector
4 Communication
2 Juniper
4 Engineer's
3 Catcher

Total 28


10 Fighting

Total: 14

Everyone knows the strategy of the DonChamp Deck. Landorus is in there, because it also helps Machamp Prime, due to it's Gaia Hammer attack. It's really good, considering it Deals 80 to the Active and not only does it spread to your whole bench, but it also spreads to your opponent's whole bench too. The Engineer's Adjustment's is in there, because it discards 1 Energy and Draws 4 Cards. This helps Landorus, because Landorus's Abundant Hammer is a self charge move that uses discarded energies.

The only thing, is the dude who gave me the Deck List, said it could use more Energies, but he wasn't sure what to take out to add them.
Honestly, this deck list looks pretty solid. I plan to run a similar list but I've been toying with the idea of Vileplume, which I'm not quite sure on yet. Anyway though back on topic. First I'm not sure how I feel about Engineer's at all. It's very dependent on energy but results in only drawing 4 cards. Since you run 4 DCE I would suggest bringing some dragons in. Also 4 Landorus seems like overkill considering it's basically just your setup.

Take Out
-1 Landorus
-4 Engineers
Total: -5
Put In
+X Zekrom/Kyurem/Reshiram. I'd go with 1 Kyurem bare minimum for mirrors/bench hits but you could run more less. Also Zek/Resh for type coverage wouldn't be a bad idea considering the DCE is already there.
+X TSS here you can basically fill out your TSS you already run. I suggest maxing out Junk Arm to get energy into the discard more efficiently and for bringing back cards like catcher/rare candy/etc

Basically you have room to tweak this deck. It's a solid list but the more you mess with it the better it's going to get.
Hmmmmm. I could pretty much run any Dragon, eh? Thing is that sure Kyurem hits the Bench, but this Deck doesn't use any Water Energy. The Dragons would only be there for Outrage, considering there's only DCE in there for them. Unless you I could maybe do 1 Kyurem, 2 Water, 1 more Fighting and 1 more Junk Arm or something like that. Then this Deck would be one heck of a Spreader. No only to my own Bench (mild spread) but also to my opponents. And then have Machamp stomping on my opponents like a Mad Pokémon. XD
You could run Rainbow Energy instead, I'm not quite sure how searching and attaching works for that though.
You can't search out Rainbow Energy, unless you luck out with Interviewer's Questions. How exactly would any of the Tao Trio fit into this Deck anyway? They have no Synergy with Machamp and Donphan Prime
OMG Collector is a definite need for most decks!! I would remove a Landorus, and Engineers, I'd completely get rid of Engineers, and a few Landorus's. Possibly add a Zekrom EX or something like that.
Jirachi said:
There are too many Landorus, and I do not see any need for 4 collectors or engineers.

Collectors help bring out Pokemon and can help the player set up easily.
So a few techs to consider:

Shaymin: Lets you fighting tag, and then move a DCE onto your active
Max potion: Great after a fighting tag for a heavily damaged Machamp
Terrakion: its good for fast recoveries. Keep one energy on it. After a KO, do 90, then use fighting tag on the following turn, add an energy and you're golden
I'm not sure I follow as to why Shaymin fits? When you fighting tag you typically move the machamp to active correct? Max potion could be very nice in this though.
i did not say to get rid of all the collectors. Just one or two, 4 is too many in my opinion. 4 is not needed for all the basics in this deck.
That doesn't change the fact that removing Collectors is almost always bad advice. You pretty much need 4 to start with them, since if you can't get a Collector quickly its almost impossible to set up. Landorus should also be maxed because it is the optimal starter for the deck. I think Tornadus or Terrakion would be better attackers than Donphan because Donphan can't do much of anything that Landorus can't do better. Here are the exact changes I would recommend:

-3-3 Donphan Prime
-4 Engineer's (outclassed by Sage)

+3 Terrakion/Tornadus
+4 Sage's Training
+1 Junk Arm (this should always be maxed outside of Vileplume)
+2 Juniper (increases changes of turn 2 Gaia Crush because it can discard energy)
Dark Void said:
That doesn't change the fact that removing Collectors is almost always bad advice. You pretty much need 4 to start with them, since if you can't get a Collector quickly its almost impossible to set up. Landorus should also be maxed because it is the optimal starter for the deck. I think Tornadus or Terrakion would be better attackers than Donphan because Donphan can't do much of anything that Landorus can't do better. Here are the exact changes I would recommend:

-3-3 Donphan Prime
-4 Engineer's (outclassed by Sage)

+3 Terrakion/Tornadus
+4 Sage's Training
+1 Junk Arm (this should always be maxed outside of Vileplume)
+2 Juniper (increases changes of turn 2 Gaia Crush because it can discard energy)

Keep donphan because it is great for practically free attacking
Terrakion and Tornadus can attack for the same amount of cards (only for Tornadus i you have a DCE, though) but they do more damage (if you lost a Pokemon in Terrakion's case). They are usually better than Donphan because Earthquake doesn't really KO anything any more.
Dark Void said:
Terrakion and Tornadus can attack for the same amount of cards (only for Tornadus i you have a DCE, though) but they do more damage (if you lost a Pokemon in Terrakion's case). They are usually better than Donphan because Earthquake doesn't really KO anything any more.

But donphan is harder to KO than anything else int his deck except Machamp which need 2-4 Energy
I can't think of a single Pokemon that KOs Terrakion in more hits than it KOs Donphan in, so that doesn't seem to me like it would make any difference.
Dark Void said:
I can't think of a single Pokemon that KOs Terrakion in more hits than it KOs Donphan in, so that doesn't seem to me like it would make any difference.

MAgnezone needs less energy
True, but after the first is KOed, a Terrakion can switch in and OHKO Magnezone back. Donphan can't do that. Also, if you get a damage counter on Phanphy before you evolve (which isn't that uncommon with Gaia Crush and Earthquake) then they take the same amount of energy for Magnezone to OHKO.