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Donphan and dragons

Phanpy CL or HG in DD?

  • Call of Legends

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • HeartGold SoulSilver

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters


"Im not sure" trainer
get t2 donphan and starttaking earthquake ko's while putting damage on benched dragons to take future ko's with outrage.

questioning: zoroark, DCL, eviolite, more N, different dragon lines, CL or HG phanpy?, mew

pokemon: 13
4-4 donphan
1 kyurem
3 zekrom
1 tornadus

tss: 34
3 rocky helmet
3 switch
3 pluspower
4 junk arm
4 catcher
2 communication
2 n
3 collector
3 pont
2 juniper
4 cheren
1 fsl

energy: 13
5 {F}
4 rainbow
4 {C}{C}

help is appreciated
If you have alot of Reshi decks I would, up the Kyrum line, by takeing out a Reshiram. Reshiram 2nd attack isn't good in this deck, and his typing doesn't help against any thing other than Vileplume[which you wont be attacking]. If you feel ZPST is going to become popular, then up the Zekrom line, as Zekrom effectivly counters Tornados, which lets you sweep Zeks, with Donphan. Energy line seems good. You might want to take out the lost remover and add another communication. Remember to make a deck consistant before you tech. 8 hand refresh is a bit much, I recamend takeing out 2-3 PONT\Juniper\N. I say get rid of the Juniper, as I hate the discard, but it's up to you. I would also say to take out the sages training for cheren, because you don't want any thing in the discard. You should also, have some form of recovery incase you lose a Dragon.

- 3 Juniper [or any other hand refresh]
- 1 lost remover
- 3 Sages Training
- 1 Reshiram

+ 1 Zekrom\Kyurem
+ 1 Communcation
+ 1 Flower Shop lady
+ 4 Cheren
+ 1 Anything

This should make your deck a little more constinat and less luck based. With the anything slot you might add plus power, super rod, collector or another dragon. As far as the phanphy, I like HGSS, because of the higher HP and the flail attack. Zororoak would be good if you expect alot of Tyram or VVV.

Good luck!
i think you need to max out the collector count for consistency. you can always junk arm away the extra collectors in a game.