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Donphan Deck for Cities (Juniors)


Donpahn Donk for Cities Win!
4x Phanpy HS
3x Donphan Prime
1x Uxie LA (Yeah i know need more!!)
3x Spiritomb AR
2x Sableye SF
1x Smeargle UD
1x Crobat G PL
1X Chatot MD
2X Chatot G
1X Unown Q
total: 17
x1 Twins
x1 Pokemon Collector
x1 Pokemon contest Hall
1x Luxury ball
2x Cyrus's Initiative
2x Bebe's Research
1x Cynthia's Feelings
2x Expert Belt
1x Warp Point
x4 PlusPower
x1 Pokemon Communication
x3 Judge
x2 Energy Exchanger
x2 Super scoop up (need more, will take out 2 Cyrus's Initiative when i get to more.)
24 Total
1X Rescue Energy
1x Warp Energy
4x Special Dark Energy (For sableye)
6x Fighting energy

Please comment on my deck and tell me how to improve it!
RE: Donphan Deck for Cities

I think instead of teching all these Pokemon, you have 3 Sudowoodo UL, and add 1 more Donphan Prime so:

-1 Crobat G PL
-1 Chatot MD
-2 Chatot G
-1 Unown Q
-4 Special Dark Energy

+1 Donphan Prime
+3 Sudowoodo UL
+4 Fighting Energy

What you do here is you get out a Donphan Prime with 3 Fighting on it, and as you have that Donphan out, you attach Energy to Sudowoodo that is on the Bench.
RE: Donphan Deck for Cities

Okay, I would be more than happy to help you with this deck! I love Donphan and was able to make Top-cut with it at cities! :D

Anyways, lets go through the list~

-If possible add a 4th Donphan. This is needed for your donk percentage to go up and a greater number of Donphan Swarming mid-game.
-Although I like the originality, their should be NO reason for using Spiritomb in this deck. You shouldn't even run Spiritomb and Sableye together. (You say the Sp Darks are for Sableye but you don't even have a Sableye in your list. Was this a typo?)
-Pick Crobat G OR Pluspower. Not both. If you decide on Crobat, then throw in some PokeTurns. I used neither and everything works out.
-No need for Chatot G.
-You shouldn't run Twins because if you're below on prizes in a Donphan Speed deck then you're not doing something right xD
-Instead of a Pokemon Contest hall, you need 3 or 4 Broken Time Spaces! This ios needed for the quick evolving and the DONK!
-Would personally use 3 Bebe's just in case you don't get a Sable-Start.
-Expert Belts (Would add 1 more)
-You need more Warp Points OR switchs. You need to switch out the injured Donphan for a new one. Another good Combo is if you use Seeker to pick up the Injured Donphan to recover it.
-I would bump up the Poke Communications to 3-4
-I would focus mostly on Fighting energy and small amount of Rescue energy! The Dark energy will be dead draws after turn 1. And if you wanted to donk with Sableye, you can't Energy exchange on the first turn. I would take out the Energy Exchanges. Warp Energy should be switched with Warp Points because they don't help Donphan with energy Requirements.
- Poke Drawers are nice in the deck :)
-Also, look into Relicanth SV for a nice tech against SP and Gyarados!

I Hope I helped! :D
RE: Donphan Deck for Cities

^ Follow what this guy is telling you. Slim down the deck to the bare essentials, which is usually 4-4 Donphan, 3 Uxie (and Uxie X if you could get it), Unown Q, Relicanth SV, and Crobat G (use 2 with 4 Poke Turns if you go this route). Cut the energy down to around 8 fighting. Your trainer line should focus on speed. Use cards like Broken Time Space, Pokemon Collector, Bebe's Search, Super Scoop Up, Seeker, Warp Point, Switch, Luxury Ball, Expert Belt, and Pokemon Communication. Good luck with your deck!
Wow... I told you how I play my Deck (Sort of) and my Deck is very good and wins alot. Take my advise above, trust me.
@ TCG, i have i just haven't updated it yet, i need one more donphan, and i'm not sure about playing sudowoodo, i've dropped the chatot g's, then added more warp points, I'm going to keep the special darks, until i get more uxies, super scoop up, or Pokemon collector, i'm going to cities tomorrow and i'm going to trade for stuff there, thanks for the help!

4x Phanpy HS
4x Donphan Prime
3x Uxie LA
1X Unown Q
1x Relicanth SV
Total: 12

4x Pokemon Collector
3x Broken Time-Space
1x Luxury Ball
2x Bebe's Search
3x Expert Belt
2x Warp Point
2x Pokemon Communication
2x Judge
2x Super scoop up
2x Seeker
Total: 26

2x Rescue Energy
2x Warp Energy
8x Fighting energy
Total: 12

Here's my advice. All of the changes are above.

Maxed out the Donphans, that's the only way to play this deck.
Added more Uxies, you HAVE to have a set up card in a donk deck.
Took out Crobat G. I never used it, I never will. I just don't really like it in Donphan.

All the T/S/S changes will greatly improve the flow of your deck. Collector is the best supporter card for early game set up, BTS lets you donk, seeker is a better SSU, but I takes up your supporter. The rest of the changes should be self-explanatory. Basically, they improve the constituency.

Considering the other advice here, I would not run Sudowoodo. That completely ruins the idea of a Donkphan deck. I may be wrong, but I've played Donkphan since it came out. I've played it for every event this year. I'd like to think of myself as experienced enough to give helpful advice considering the subject.

Anyway, make these changes when you can. Some of these cards can be hard to get, so have patience and build it slowly. I hope I helped, I love to see other players using Donphan. ;)
The deck looks exactly the same to me. A number of people have helped you on this deck, and no one can see any changes made. People won't help you if you don't make changes in your deck.