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Donphan & Friends-New and Improved!!

Mace Tenchu

Determined to be competitive!
Made some changes. Check it:


3-3 Donphan Prime
1-1 Zoroark (Foul Play)
1 Basculin (Final Gambit)
2-1-2 Kingdra Prime
2 Cleffa
1 Reshiram
1-1 Gliscor (UD)


3 Pokemon Communication
3 Plus Power
2 Bianca
1 Flower Shop Lady
3 Switch
2 Revive
3 Judge
2 Rare Candy
2 Pokemon Reversal
1 Prof. Juniper
4 Junk Arm


8 Fighting
3 DC
3 Water

Pretty straight up. Donphan to tank and DD w/PP an Spray Slash for those just out of 2HKO reach. Zoroark for swift revenge. Please be honest; do your worst! Thanks in advance.
RE: Masters: Donphan & Friends

Why not use Serperior instead? It heals 10 damage between each turn instead of only during your turn and it has better HP and the same retreat. Luxury ball can't be used anymore so you should take that out for another rare candy to help get your kingdras out. Take out the Pichu for a fourth candy. Again to help with kingdra. Take out the cleffa, max potion, and copycat for 3 pokemon collectors. These are better in this format because you can get a for sure three basics while not helping your opponent like you would with pichu. Also, I feel babies are not needed in this format because catchers eats them up :( otherwise looks ok. GL
RE: Masters: Donphan & Friends-New and Improved!!

So you made a toolbox.. I still say you take out the babies.. They are not that great in this format. You need to have four collectors in here. So, take out the two cleffa and two of the following Judge/Oak's/Juniper/Bianca. You have soo much draw power in here that you don't need all of them, but you need the collectors with so many different basics. GL