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Donphan Prime for Battleroads; Masters


Aspiring Trainer
What can I change to better my match-up vs Gengar/Spiritomb/Vileplume, and possibly Dialga/Garchomp?

4-4 Donphan Prime
4 Uxie
2 Crobat
2 Unown R
1 Azelf
1 Relicanth

4 Bebe
3 Collector
1 Palmer's
4 Poketurn
4 Super Scoop Up
4 Pokedex 910
3 Expert Belt
2 Warp Point
1 Luxury Ball
4 Broken Time-Space

10 Fighting Energy

Note: I don't own an Uxie X, and I'm not confident that I can acquire one in-time for next week's BRs.

also to satisfy people who might say hurr durr strategy plz:

get donphan out by your second turn, and wound things. Everything in the deck is to either help donphan get out quicker, hit harder, or provide support.
RE: Donphan Prime.

You're going to need to put the Division and the Event this is for in the Title. Thanks.

dmaster out.
RE: Donphan Prime.

i would take out an uxie and add an expert belt
4 uxies just isnt nessecary imo. i run with only 2 uxies and it works fine
RE: Donphan Prime.

i would suggest using a manectric or a nidoqueen (i prefer queen) to protect/nullify the damage being done to your own bench, unless you've found that your SSUs and PoekTurns are good enough for healing. also i think the energy is a bit high (i run around 8) and 4 uxie is quite a lot as well. Uxie can end up hurting you if you are playing against a gengar/plume/tomb variant when you draw into a bunch of trainers that you can't use.
RE: Donphan Prime.

Aight let me start by giving a bit of background info on me; I generally play donphan, arceus, jumpluff, and tyraniqueen decks so donphan is one of the decks I really know how to build and i know its match ups well enough to give some advice, that and my local metagame consists of dialgachomp, vilegar, luxchomp, kingar, and sablelock so I have a pretty good testing ground for my decks. So far in prepping for battle roads my record against both luxchomp(w/dialga tech) and vilegar is 3-1 and 4-1 respectively in my favor.

SO now that I've established that I know what I'm talking about here's some advice:

+2 (PONT it helps to get out of trainer lock so running 4 is a must)
+4 Cyrus's Conspiracy (help to get the energy you need and a supporter you need badly in the vilegar matchup if your locked going for a bebe's or a PONT really helps out alot)
+1 Crobat (I know running 3 crobats might be a little excessive but being able to inflict up to 70 damage always guarantee's a knock out on any pokemon even if its dialga with a couple of special metals)
-4 super scoop ups ( as a force of habit i generally tend to stay away from cards that require luck in the off chance they go wrong they usually have a side of effect of making you feel like everything is going wron leading to ur ventual loss)
-1 uxie( i think 4 is overkill specially when running so much draw power)
-2 fighting energy ( with 4 PONT, 4 Cyrus's, and 3 Uxies and 8 fighting u have roughly 20% of your deck dedicated to getting a fighting energy on your pokemon, 10 is too much)

This is the best advice I can give on deckbuilding, the actual matchups though require alot of insight for example:

In all the matchups against luxchomp and dialgachomp I've had once I got an expert belted donphan with 3 fighting out there it was pretty much an autoloss for SP because they can't take 110 damage every turn; and against dialgachomp they will almost 90% of the time attach energy gain on dialga to deafen on turn 1 combine that with unown q and the typical 3-4 energy gains in an sp deck you can hit dialga for a hefty 60-90 damage with relicanth and thats where ur 3 crobats and 4 poketurns come in to finish it off.

Well hope this helps :)
RE: Donphan Prime.

I upped to 3, and eventually 4 uxie because 2 wasn't enough.

I upped to originally 12, then dropped to 10 energy when my DP-On deck ran 9 energy, which was proven through a lot of deck testing to not be enough.

GG ran around 12~14 energy even with dol and roseanne, yet Donphan running more than 6~8 is supposedly "too much"? are people really discrediting Heavy Impract that much?
I would take out a 2 Uxie. It may not seem like enough but with ETR out right now it could be dangerous in the event of a failed SSU. Uxie also can hurt in playing Gengar/Vileplume due to Poltergeist when you draw lots of trainers that can't be played. I think the fewer trainers you have the better possibly try a Sandslash from SV with its Dig Down Poke power to get energy faster on Donphan. Other then that looks good.

Jut a question which Crobat are you using? G or Prime?
^I think Regice is a better idea, Cyclone energy wont help Donphan.

Relicanth is awesome but it will just die of Earthquake in this deck.
drop to 2 uxie. can keep recycling them anyways. most people run only 2 unless u play to tech in at least 1 or 2 uxie lv x
- 1 Uxie
- 1 Azelf
+ 2 Mesprit

Against SP Mesprit is fantastic,because you are able to stop Healing Breath. And against other decks, you can stop Uxies in case of good starts.