Don't You Think It's Pretty Weird?

Steelixdudex said:
I can't wait untill Pokémon shows in ANIMAX! :cool: Yep it's weird allright.

It will really be showing on Animax? Finally. Most of the Animax shows are...You know. :)
bacon-boy said:
Bacon-boy sees, yet again, another flaw in the pokemon anime universe concerning the "personal time loop" theory. In other words, some characters are caught in a quantum kerfuffle which causes them to repeat the same thing over and over again. Perhaps the time loop caught nurse joys/officer Jennys mother at a particularly awkward moment, causing her to give birth over and over again to the same child.
how do you come up with these thing, B-B o_O

anyhow, the 1st episodes of Pokémon when Ash sees Joy or Jenny, he thinks they met before, then they say they all look alike and are all somehow related, like, Joy from Pewter was Joy from Veridian's niece IIRC. There's even an episode with a family photo Joy's family, All exactly alike o_O.
So my guess is that there's a Joy/Jenny race of humans, absolutely genetically dominant, causing every kid of a Joy/Jenny to be exactly like Joy/Jenny. they also don't seem to age after a certain age, they grow up (you see a younger Joy in one of the orange island episodes in a flashback) and then migrate to new regions (they seem to pop out of nowhere in the Pokémon world) where they each get a Pokémon center or police office.
Maybe they all dress the same and wear the same clothes? The second time May saw one of the Jennys she said something about them being identical.
Señor Noobnerd said:
Steelixdudex said:
I can't wait untill Pokémon shows in ANIMAX! :cool: Yep it's weird allright.

It will really be showing on Animax? Finally. Most of the Animax shows are...You know. :)
Allthough I'm not really sure it will show on Animax...

They are aliens, they copied 2 human beings on this planet, transformed into them, and then acted like they where going to help, but then, when you least expect it, they steal your pokémon, AND RULE THE WORLD (which they will then blow up, which will cause WPM to not be able to post any PK scans)
Steelixdudex said:
Allthough I'm not really sure it will show on Animax...

PLease do not type in bold, its kind of rude in a way...

Anyway, I know its really silly. They should not all be identical. I supose the anime people cound't be bothered to draw millions of different jennys and joys. It is really silly but I can understamd why they are all the same.
Such innocent suggestions. That truth that lies behind this secret is much more sinister and deadly.

Joy and Jenny were the first back in the early times. They're were murdered one day their DNA taken. In a lab somewhere, it was copied.

Next...well, let's just say females survived and males didn't...

If a baby is born a's eaten and if it's a girl, it's fixed and educated. They must have their race to survive.

Yeah I noticed that too and it is pretty funny and when team rocket does it it is pretty funny too.:)
Exploud Ex said:
I got it! They'e EXTREMELY tall Oompa Loompas.:p

A tall oompa loompa? Isn't that just a clown? =D

No no people, it was a disruption in space time caused by a logical impossiblity bubble which collapsed in on itself and...
But I can't tell which oompa loompa is which in the movies, so they must be what I just said on top.
No, their parents had a very long honey moon; ~10 years. But thats' only 10 children still:/

And yes, I do think it is very weird of them to have all Jennies and Joys as clones of eachother.