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Dooman58's trade zone! Have ERL, BFBX, Garchomp, Luxray!

RE: Undaunted Sleeves, Primes, Lv. X's! Updated wants!

Hello friend. I have:

Feraligatr Prime Promo (HGSS 07)
Meganium Prime Promo (HGSS 08)
Darkrai G HOLO

Im interested in your Draonite Ex (delta) and Politoed EX and Snorlax Lv. X.

Lemme know what we can agree too. ^_^
RE: Undaunted Sleeves, Primes, Lv. X's! Updated wants!

the crippler 18 said:
Salamance Lv X
Uxie LA x2 Leauge Promos

Spiritomb PA

LMK! To everyone else, no thanks.
RE: Undaunted Sleeves, Primes, Lv. X's! Updated wants!

Plz cml for UD SLEEVES
RE: Undaunted Sleeves, Primes, Lv. X's! Updated wants!

I have Sableye G x1
Primape SV RH x1
Gengar (curse) x3
Glalie x1
Golem x2
Lopunny x1
Raichu x1
Sceptile 31 x2
Mismagius GL x1 holo

I need:
x2 donphan Prime

Please let me know.
RE: Undaunted Sleeves, Primes, Lv. X's! Updated wants!

No thanks, and your thread only says you ship to the US.
RE: Undaunted Sleeves, Primes, Lv. X's! Updated wants!

ill pass. do u still want scizor prime?
RE: Undaunted Sleeves, Primes, Lv. X's! Updated wants!

Can I have your Azelf MT for something? ^ ^
RE: Undaunted Sleeves, Primes, Lv. X's! Updated wants!

2x Uxie (LA)
1x Raikou/Suicune Legend (TOP)

2x Donphan PRIME
RE: Undaunted Sleeves, Primes, Lv. X's! Updated wants!

Yes I am. Snorlax - Scizor? I dont want to add much more seeing how snorlax is about 10 and scizor is 12.

Alex - PM'ed

80 - No thanks... What about 1 donphan for RSL top?
RE: Undaunted Sleeves, Primes, Lv. X's! Updated wants!

Updated with new haves! and a few more wants! Bumpydidump 2.
RE: Undaunted Legends, Primes, X's, EX, Undaunted sleeves! Check this out!


Bump 3