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Doomsday for EXs: Bouffalant + Buddies


Aspiring Trainer
Hey! So I was looking at the Pokebeach scans (Boundaries Crossed) and I saw Scizor. Right then and there I got the idea of a deck just purely consistent of EX pokemon counters deck! This is a rogue deck idea where what you basically do is just play out your game with different types of EX pokemon counters, playing each one at the necessary moment. Would love some help in the deck list portion and thanks for reading!

Pokemon: 12
3x Bouffalant (DrE)
2x Scizor (BC)
3x Scyther (BC)
2x Mewtwo EX
1x Terrakion (NV)
1x Ho-Oh EX (DrE)

Trainers: 38

3x Cheren
4x N
3x Professor Juniper
1x Skyla

2x Random Receiver
1x Computer Search
3x Ultra Ball
1x Pokemon Communication
4x Energy Switch
4x Pluspower
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Switch
1x Tool Scrapper
3x Rocky Helmet

Energy: 10
4x Double Colorless Energy
4x Metal Energy
3x Fighting Energy

Please Help! Thanks! (Was also thinking about Terrakion, but...I dont know...haha...maybe someone could make some space? Im fresh out of ideas :p)
I think you don't need rocky helmet here
scizor and sigy is immune to ex
you might also want to add some metal energies for scizor's attack for the finishing blow
IMO you dont need sigilyph here since you have mewtwo

-2 sigilyph
- 1 rocky helmet

+3 metal energies
Deck will have a very bad time against empoleon, blastoise, flygon, and I'm sure there are others. There are to many non-ex attackers in the game + catcher.
I would definitely agree with Hell about the Metal Energy. You will NEED to make a quick KO before your opponent has a chance to counter your strategy in someway (using Pokemon Catcher, for instance), and so it would be important to allow Scizor SOME use of Slashing Strike.

I think you'd be better off with an extra Switch instead of Skyarrow Bridge. Sure Scyther and Sigilyph have free retreat with it. but Mewtwo EX and Bouffalant do not, and paying those costs would be pretty sad. Also, I think you'd be better off maxing out Juniper instead of Cheren, and I really really have a negative opinion about Skyla. using Juniper to get a fresh hand of 7, or disrupting your opponent AND refreshing your hand with N, are far more superior investments of a Supporter.

I'm also thinking you should take out Energy Switch entirely, since you've got no way of Energy Acceleration anyway.

Well, that's what I think about all this! If you feel there's a piece of your strategy I'm ignoring, feel free to point that out.
I like the concept of anti EX, and scizor is like one of my top 3 pokemon likes in all history so I tried to fit it in a deck as well; the problem is sigilyph is pretty pretty bad i dont recomend him at all too many things can ohko him (not EXs) and even with giant cape you are not taking that much of an advantage from it.

If you want a real anti EX deck; i would wait for the next set, and see if they put the new kling klang in it.He makes all Metal pokes invulnerable from EX attacks, so a kling klang Scizor (you can abuse his first attack until you get kling klang out), cobalion EX deck would wreck many decks that have Ex as main attackers.

Hope it helped:)
HellYeah said:
I think you don't need rocky helmet here
scizor and sigy is immune to ex
you might also want to add some metal energies for scizor's attack for the finishing blow
IMO you dont need sigilyph here since you have mewtwo

-2 sigilyph
- 1 rocky helmet

+3 metal energies

Now that I take out the sigilyph, I have no more need for giant cape, so I dont see any reason on taking out rocky helmet when ALL of my pokemon get 2 hit KO'd. So I would rather have 40 extra dmage on my opponent then keeping useless giant capes (Only needed them for a 2-hit KO on sigilyph instead of a 1-hit.)

konter5683 said:
Deck will have a very bad time against empoleon, blastoise, flygon, and I'm sure there are others. There are to many non-ex attackers in the game + catcher.

It doesnt matter which deck i face, because of the fact that ANY "Big In Format" Pokemon will kill me in 2 hits. Empoleon I am not worried about because there is no way my field would EVER reach 4 pokemon, if I were playing this deck I would prefer to keep it at 2x in bench and the obvious active attacker, (Empoleon oppponent=bench full (60), my field (30-40, the damage output would not one hit KO my pokemon. Blastoise is easily take care of by Mewtwo (X Ball= 3 energy on Mewtwo (60), 4 energy on Blastoise (80)=KO), I would prefer to see a Flygon deck first before inferring it is any good yet. and the only possible other Pokemon I could picture would be Reshiram and/or Zekrom. Both a tiny bi unplayable at the moment due to some EX cards hype.
PumpedAaron said:
I would definitely agree with Hell about the Metal Energy. You will NEED to make a quick KO before your opponent has a chance to counter your strategy in someway (using Pokemon Catcher, for instance), and so it would be important to allow Scizor SOME use of Slashing Strike.

I think you'd be better off with an extra Switch instead of Skyarrow Bridge. Sure Scyther and Sigilyph have free retreat with it. but Mewtwo EX and Bouffalant do not, and paying those costs would be pretty sad. Also, I think you'd be better off maxing out Juniper instead of Cheren, and I really really have a negative opinion about Skyla. using Juniper to get a fresh hand of 7, or disrupting your opponent AND refreshing your hand with N, are far more superior investments of a Supporter.

I'm also thinking you should take out Energy Switch entirely, since you've got no way of Energy Acceleration anyway.

Well, that's what I think about all this! If you feel there's a piece of your strategy I'm ignoring, feel free to point that out.

Thats a good point with the skyarrow bridge stuff. Although you are making sense with Scizor's attack, once Scizor is knocked out, it would ususally go down with a DCE, a 2x metal energies. Thats a ton of energy i will not be able to get back once lost. I will playetest this with Scizor's attack at my arsenal to see how it goes. i changed my 2x Skyla to 1x as you noted. And I added in a Ho-Oh that actually did make a little sense to me now that I am running at least 2 types of energy. And you havent missed anything in my strategy so lucky you :)

Pegnas said:
I like the concept of anti EX, and scizor is like one of my top 3 pokemon likes in all history so I tried to fit it in a deck as well; the problem is sigilyph is pretty pretty bad i dont recomend him at all too many things can ohko him (not EXs) and even with giant cape you are not taking that much of an advantage from it.

If you want a real anti EX deck; i would wait for the next set, and see if they put the new kling klang in it.He makes all Metal pokes invulnerable from EX attacks, so a kling klang Scizor (you can abuse his first attack until you get kling klang out), cobalion EX deck would wreck many decks that have Ex as main attackers.

Hope it helped:)

I dont have enough patience to wait for the next set XD
But I will just make the deck better once the next set comes out!
