Double Battles


Ahhhhh of
Ive been wondering about this for a while. i thought somewhere i saw official rules for it and i wanted to try it out. has anyone heard of double battles in the TCG? i kind of have an idea of how it would go. just think of double battle tournaments people :D
They exist, sure. But they were introduced with (AFAIK) Ruby/Sapphire and have since received little (if any) support.
^why? i would think it would be an amazing idea. decks that go together perfectly, would be side by side and undefeatable.
One of the judges in my area has a good idea for double battles. Each player on the same team uses Trainers and Supporters (other than tools and Power Spray).
Its because double battles are confusing and take forever. And judging is very opinionated. For example one judge may have a different ruling/make a different ruling than the other judge right next to them. Its just a hassle that doesn't work very well.
ive been curious about this also.
can you do double battle between two players? both players uses 2 active pokemon
ive always wanted to try this out, but dont know the mechanics on who attacks first and what not
Yeah Double Battles doesn't work quite as good in the TCG compared to the video game franchise, neither does Triples, or Rotation Battles either which I find the last one to be impossible to do.
I have played 1 vs 1 double battle (so 2 players, 2 active). It works and it's fun. The only thing different from the video game is that only 1 active pokemon is allowed to attack (at least how we played >.> ).

I've never experimented with this before due to the lack of players. This could be very interesting, but some combos would be the new Luxchomps and things could get dangerous. And then there's the problem of being paired with a beginner...
im trying to think how it would work and this is my theory.

you can do 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1. each team will have 2 active. each team will alternat turns with an individual member going (so player one goes on the blue teama nd then player 1 goes on the red team then player 2 on blue and so on)

during the turn they can:

attach energy to EITHER side.

they can use abilities from there field and there partners field

they can play trainers either for them or there partner (so i could play PONT for my partner instead of myself)

you can evolve one yours or your partners side. BUT you can only use your pokemons attacks.

hmmm that would be an interesting battle
me and my mates made out own rulings and often we come across major overpowered combo's and questionable rulings but this is the jist of what we do.

2 v 2.
take turns one from their side then one from your side. then the other from their side, the other from your side.

on your turn. you use only your hand and play like normal the difference is you can play trainers/supporters for your team mate if you like.
you can also use powers for your team mate. and attacks that effect your side (impersonate / healing stuff) for your team mate. (cant use tools for your mate though.

Powers can be used for your teamate but things like Rain dance can only be activated on the owners turn. then your team mate can add them.
Bodies are always in effect for your team.

Attacks cant be split between your opponents. like things that do damage to multilple pokemon can only be against one enemy or the other.

loosing all your pokemon. If this happens we made it so you get a hand refresh shuffle hand and draw 7. this player CAN evolve on their first turn. me made this rule because focusing on one player to knock them out of the game was just to easy. when your opponents get 2 attacks before you do again..

Decking out. put you out. your remaining prizes are counted. its up to your teamate alone to get make it so your opponents get more prizes than your out teamates total. (the solo player now gets place of their teamates shots aswell)

each teamate must take all 6 of their prize cards. they must be the ones to be responsible for the knockouts to take the prizes.

Overpowerd combo's

Lostgar. With a mew deck or even 2 lostgar / mewgar any combos of them were extremely powerful. we made our own errata that for lost world you need 6 in each opponents lost zone.

Floatzel x. -- Feraligatr -- BTS

Arceus charizard (though we made it so his body only effects your own bench)

EDIT: i forgot to mention a few things. Catutie reminded me.

Attacks like jumpluff's only count the pokemon you have in play and the pokemon of the opponent you attack has in play.
same with miniccio (if thats his name) he only counts your own bench
^i would think that jumpluff would be an overpower thing....oh man...that would be insanity max damage is 240 :O
Well double battle is little bit confusing but both players makes use of six active pokemon
live always desired to try this out, but don't know the mechanics on who assaults first & what not.
Double Battles are fun, if there is nobody that plays Skuntank G/Crobat Prime (I was lol with Skuntank G). Basically, the one before me is going to die even with a Wailord on active (once, he actually had it), just with noob attacks and Poison. Then, I just try to KO the other one. It was pretty cheap.

It is fun if you play with good friends, because you laugh a lot. If you just find 3 other random guys, it will be boring and long (very long).

Oh, and for us, when a team gets a KO on an opponent's Pokemon, both players takes a prize. Therefore, you don't need to take 12 to win the game.
My friends and I do a double battle at league every now and then for fun. Jumpluff is just broken =P

All in all, double battles are fun, but they weren't supported at all. It's sort of dead now, though.
I love them. Gliscor and I do them at league. Jumpluff is totally broken.
glaceon said:
I love them. Gliscor and I do them at league. Jumpluff is totally broken.

Not really because in double battles it only applies to you and the opponent that you are attacking. I know a decent amount of things about double battle thanks to attend one Ohio league after Nats. It was wicked. I want to do double battles more often, but I don't have enough friends...
Yeah, in Ohio, we play with Hoolon rules, meaning that all Trainers and Supporters, except Tools and Sprays, are used by both team mates. It makes for some fun games.