I've been wanting to make a list of cards for awhile now, so I thought I would. I can make the cards, I just want help for art and some of the attacks, pokepowers, etc. I made a 112 card set. If you are interested in creating any of the art please post here or PM me.
Rare Holos
1. Absol ( Phoenix )
2. Alakazam ( 6294 )
3. Ampharos
4. Arcanine
5. Arceus
6. Camerupt
7. Crobat
8. Garchomp
9. Golem ( Phoenix )
10. Ho-Oh ( Dictator Dauntless )
11. Hariyama
12. Kingler
13. Lucario ( Guardian of Aura )
14. Lugia ( Phoenix )
15. Machamp
16. Magcargo
17. Magmortar
18. Manectric
19. Pidgeot ( Dictator Dauntless )
20. Steelix ( 6294 )
21. Tyranitar
22. Breloom
23. Cresselia
24. Dugtrio
25. Eevee ( Light Venusaur )
26. Espeon ( Light Venusaur )
27. Golbat
28. Granbull
29. Ledian
30. Primeape ( Dictator Dauntless )
31. Rhyperior
32. Slowking
33. Staraptor
34. Umbreon ( Light Venusaur )
35. Arbok
36. Diglitt
37. Electrike ( Phoenix )
38. Fearow
39. Flaffy
40. Gabite
41. Graveler ( Phoenix )
42. Growlithe
43. Kadabra ( 6294 )
44. Krabby
45. Machoke
46. Magmar
47. Ninetales ( Light Venusaur )
48. Numel
49. Octillary
50. Pupitar
51. Pidgeotto ( Dictator Dauntless )
52. Qwilfish
53. Raticate
54. Riolu ( Guardian of Aura )
55. Rydon
56. Sableye
57. Scizor
58. Shuckle
59. Skarmory
60. Swellow
61. Syther
62. Slugma
63. Tauros
64. Ursaring ( Dictator Dauntless )
65. Weavile
66. Zubat
67. Abra ( 6294 )
68. Ekans
69. Geodude ( Phoenix )
70. Gibble
71. Larvitar
72. Ledyba
73. Magby
74. Makuhita
75. Mankey
76. Mareep
77. Onyx ( 6294 )
78. Pidgey ( Dictator Dauntless )
79. Pinser
80. Rattata
81. Remoraid
82. Ryhorn
83. Shroomish
84. Slowpoke
85. Sneasle
86. Snubull
87. Spearow
88. Starly
89. Tailow
90. Teddiursa ( Dictator Dauntless )
91. Vulpix ( Light Venusaur )
92. Zangoose
93. Cheryl's Offer
94. Professor Elm's Discovery
95. Riley's Gift
96. Cerulean Cave
97. Magma Colosseum
98. Energy Trade
99. Lucario ( Guardian of Aura )
100. Magby
101. Magmar
102. Magmortar
103. Riolu ( Guardian of Aura )
Level X's
104. Alakazam Lv. X ( 6294 )
105. Ampharos Lv. X
106. Arcanine Lv. X ( Light Venusaur )
107. Golem Lv. X
108. Hariyama Lv. X
109. Manectric Lv. X
110. Pidgeot Lv. X ( Dictator Dauntless )
111. Staraptor Lv. X ( NeoIdea )
112. Steelix Lv. X ( 6294 )
Artist is posted next to the name.
Rare Holos
1. Absol ( Phoenix )
2. Alakazam ( 6294 )
3. Ampharos
4. Arcanine
5. Arceus
6. Camerupt
7. Crobat
8. Garchomp
9. Golem ( Phoenix )
10. Ho-Oh ( Dictator Dauntless )
11. Hariyama
12. Kingler
13. Lucario ( Guardian of Aura )
14. Lugia ( Phoenix )
15. Machamp
16. Magcargo
17. Magmortar
18. Manectric
19. Pidgeot ( Dictator Dauntless )
20. Steelix ( 6294 )
21. Tyranitar
22. Breloom
23. Cresselia
24. Dugtrio
25. Eevee ( Light Venusaur )
26. Espeon ( Light Venusaur )
27. Golbat
28. Granbull
29. Ledian
30. Primeape ( Dictator Dauntless )
31. Rhyperior
32. Slowking
33. Staraptor
34. Umbreon ( Light Venusaur )
35. Arbok
36. Diglitt
37. Electrike ( Phoenix )
38. Fearow
39. Flaffy
40. Gabite
41. Graveler ( Phoenix )
42. Growlithe
43. Kadabra ( 6294 )
44. Krabby
45. Machoke
46. Magmar
47. Ninetales ( Light Venusaur )
48. Numel
49. Octillary
50. Pupitar
51. Pidgeotto ( Dictator Dauntless )
52. Qwilfish
53. Raticate
54. Riolu ( Guardian of Aura )
55. Rydon
56. Sableye
57. Scizor
58. Shuckle
59. Skarmory
60. Swellow
61. Syther
62. Slugma
63. Tauros
64. Ursaring ( Dictator Dauntless )
65. Weavile
66. Zubat
67. Abra ( 6294 )
68. Ekans
69. Geodude ( Phoenix )
70. Gibble
71. Larvitar
72. Ledyba
73. Magby
74. Makuhita
75. Mankey
76. Mareep
77. Onyx ( 6294 )
78. Pidgey ( Dictator Dauntless )
79. Pinser
80. Rattata
81. Remoraid
82. Ryhorn
83. Shroomish
84. Slowpoke
85. Sneasle
86. Snubull
87. Spearow
88. Starly
89. Tailow
90. Teddiursa ( Dictator Dauntless )
91. Vulpix ( Light Venusaur )
92. Zangoose
93. Cheryl's Offer
94. Professor Elm's Discovery
95. Riley's Gift
96. Cerulean Cave
97. Magma Colosseum
98. Energy Trade
99. Lucario ( Guardian of Aura )
100. Magby
101. Magmar
102. Magmortar
103. Riolu ( Guardian of Aura )
Level X's
104. Alakazam Lv. X ( 6294 )
105. Ampharos Lv. X
106. Arcanine Lv. X ( Light Venusaur )
107. Golem Lv. X
108. Hariyama Lv. X
109. Manectric Lv. X
110. Pidgeot Lv. X ( Dictator Dauntless )
111. Staraptor Lv. X ( NeoIdea )
112. Steelix Lv. X ( 6294 )
Artist is posted next to the name.