DP booster box!


10 sided fish of star FTW!
OK since the pre-release and 1 booster box i have open 50 packs! yes 50! and i only have got 1 Lv. X and it was Infernape. personally i won't be playing any decks with Lv. X's in them but don't you think this is strang that i have only 1 at this point? i don't know? I'm only missing 7 cards in the whole DP set and 2 of those are the pesky Lv. X's... i just wanted to see how everyone elses luck as been since the release a few days ago!

Hope you all pulled some sick cards!:p
I've gotten 34 packs so far and only pulled one Lv X, which was Torterra. I've acquired the others in trades though. I don't how how many of the cards I haven't gotten yet. Since level x cards average one per box, it makes sense that you've only gotten one.
4 of us all went to 2 prereleases.  Only I pulled any Lv X's, 2 Empoleon both on the same day.  I traded 1 for a Torterra Lv X.
I've probably bought about 30 packs and luckily pulled a Infernape LV x... probably trading for Empoleon for my deck though.
Opened about 280 packs and pulled 2 empleon LV X, 3 infernape LV X, and 5 (yes, 5) Torterra LV X (sick of this card already).
Buy a case+3 boxs for judging pres+pre packs+draft packs....I'm pretty sure thats a very low estimate.