Pokemon DP Names.

Way to not read the thread. The names there are the ones we've been discussing (namely, the starters).
I hate piplup's name, pocchama is way better and it sounds better. I don't mind chimchar (I realy like it) or bidoof.
Bidoof... well, it's a dopey name that fits in with the pokemon, but I still don't like it.

Im not a fan of Chimchar at all. It reminds me too much of a certain fire type lizard...
I'm really disappointed with the less creative names for the starters and the Ghost Balloon Pokemon. Naetle>Turtwig and Chimchar isn't catchy unlike Treecko, Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil and Torchic, much nicer and easier names.
chimchar is ok,it is like charmander i admit...yes they have alot in common,charmanders better anyway!!!!none of the names are really dissapointing.i bet everyone would feel the same if we had researched all the hoeen names.