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Standard Dragon Alolan Exeggutor


Aspiring Trainer
Hello, would like to get som help regarding this deck post-Team Up. What changes would you make to keep this deck relevant today and going into Unbroken Bonds?

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 16

* 1 Ditto {*} LOT 154
* 2 Swablu DRM 57
* 4 Alolan Exeggutor TEU 114
* 2 Altaria DRM 40
* 4 Exeggcute FLI 1
* 2 Shuckle LOT 16
* 1 Marshadow SLG 45

##Trainer Cards - 32

* 4 Mysterious Treasure FLI 113
* 2 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 4 Nest Ball SUM 123
* 4 Cynthia UPR 119
* 2 Guzma BUS 115
* 3 Choice Band GRI 121
* 4 Net Ball LOT 187
* 4 Lillie UPR 125
* 3 Shrine of Punishment CES 143
* 2 Erika’s Hospitality TEU 140

##Energy - 12

* 1 Lightning Energy 4
* 1 Metal Energy 17
* 1 Fighting Energy 6
* 1 Fire Energy 11
* 1 Darkness Energy 7
* 6 Grass Energy 1
* 1 Fairy Energy 18

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

The playstyle is pretty straighforward. Alolan Exeggutor is your main attacker, and it deals more damage as you discard more types of energies. For that, we have Shuckle. Altaria is in there for the added damage bonus, and Mysterious Treasure is played instead of Ultra Balls because you don't want to discard cards needlessly. Have thought about Lance Prism Star, but not so much about the upcoming set. Thanks in advance!
I think that the inclusion of Altaria will make the deck pretty sloppy, won't it?
But maybe you want to use it in order to break past the 120 damages, right?
Anyway, I quote @Panzerolas and say you need at least one grass Exeggutor. With a Choice Band, it ohkoes Wailord and Magikarp, which is good against stall which play it. Then I suggest you to think about Viridian Forest in spite of Shuckle: the stadium will not clog up your bench.
You can add an Energy Recycler System too. And consider the inclusion of Bodybuilding Dumbbell and Max Potion (but I can't find the room for them).
i feel one erika should be enough, as most of the time you want to use cynthia instead. the stadiums i would do a 2/1 splot with viridian, as the shrine actually helps a lot.

i feel the cutable stuff is

-4 altaria line (this is just zapdos bait)
-1 erika's

i think you can add and experiment with stuff like the bodybuilding, max potions, the third guzma is a must
I think that the inclusion of Altaria will make the deck pretty sloppy, won't it?
But maybe you want to use it in order to break past the 120 damages, right?
Anyway, I quote @Panzerolas and say you need at least one grass Exeggutor. With a Choice Band, it ohkoes Wailord and Magikarp, which is good against stall which play it. Then I suggest you to think about Viridian Forest in spite of Shuckle: the stadium will not clog up your bench.
You can add an Energy Recycler System too. And consider the inclusion of Bodybuilding Dumbbell and Max Potion (but I can't find the room for them).

I feel like Shuckle lets me set up much faster than the stadium would, as I can find him through my Net Balls and do 80+ damage already on turn 2. The Stadium, on the other hand, would take much longer and can also be utilised by my opponent, while Shrine of Punishment can only be beneficial, in worst case neutral. Do you agree? Bodybuilding Dumbbells + Max Potion, along with getting my dicarded energies back and maybe another Guzma sounds like something I could experiment with, though...
i feel one erika should be enough, as most of the time you want to use cynthia instead. the stadiums i would do a 2/1 splot with viridian, as the shrine actually helps a lot.

i feel the cutable stuff is

-4 altaria line (this is just zapdos bait)
-1 erika's

i think you can add and experiment with stuff like the bodybuilding, max potions, the third guzma is a must

I agree on adding another Guzma, as I've been in a lot of games where it would have won me the game (maybe straight up cut Erika for one?). I get that the Altaria line could be bait for Zapdos, but in that matchup I'll most likely try not to play them at all since Zapdos can be OHKO'd by Alolan Exeggutor, and they can't do it back (their only options is to try my Shuckle and Marshadow, but that won't be enough for them). So the Zapdos matchup is quite good for this deck even with the Altaria, got a good W/L-ratio there. CeleSaur (which I see a lot on ladder right now), however, is very difficult, and I could only dream about getting a win there without the added damage boost Altaria provides along with some lucky coin flips. Your thoughts on this? Replied to another guy about Bodybuilding and Max Potions, so that's interesting and I'll try a build with those along with some energy recycling :)
For Celesaur, a-muk blocks shaymin healing. Though my pet idea at the moment (that I've heard absolutely no mention of anywhere so it's probably terrible) is solrock and heal block lunatone. Because that deck is truly annoying and everywhere.

I think one grass tree is probably a good idea just for the zororoc matchup, though you know they will acerola zoroark every time, so my other pet idea is Mr. Mime and lots of guzma for the inevitable grimer when it shows up.

Given the state of the meta (and even the ladder right now) 120 is fine to hit, because other than giratina and naganadel few people are playing all those annoying 130hp pokes like granbull/baby buzz/white kyurem/aerodactyl/shining lugia, and you one shot zapdos and 2 shot pika and zoro. So I'd cut back on not only altarias but choice bands as well, and get dumbbells. If you are consistently hitting 190 with the altaria setup, I guess that works against ultra necrozma and blacephalon, though a baby sceptile line does negate them entirely so that's another option (probably it's one or the other though, space wise).
For Celesaur, a-muk blocks shaymin healing. Though my pet idea at the moment (that I've heard absolutely no mention of anywhere so it's probably terrible) is solrock and heal block lunatone. Because that deck is truly annoying and everywhere.

I think one grass tree is probably a good idea just for the zororoc matchup, though you know they will acerola zoroark every time, so my other pet idea is Mr. Mime and lots of guzma for the inevitable grimer when it shows up.

Given the state of the meta (and even the ladder right now) 120 is fine to hit, because other than giratina and naganadel few people are playing all those annoying 130hp pokes like granbull/baby buzz/white kyurem/aerodactyl/shining lugia, and you one shot zapdos and 2 shot pika and zoro. So I'd cut back on not only altarias but choice bands as well, and get dumbbells. If you are consistently hitting 190 with the altaria setup, I guess that works against ultra necrozma and blacephalon, though a baby sceptile line does negate them entirely so that's another option (probably it's one or the other though, space wise).

Not sure about the Sol&Luna, but a-muk could be a viable tech, yeah. Another guy mentioned a grass type Exeggutor for Lycanroc as well, so definitely considering adding one there. About the Choice Bands and Altaria, thing is that with a few turns with Shrine as stadium, a lot of GXs (like Lele) can be OHKO'd, so I feel like that might be paying off. I haven't tried the dumbbells yet, as most stuff can't OHKO Exegg anyway, but 2HKO easily. Would playing the dumbbells give me a good enough advantage somewhere to justify playing them?
A-muk was already a tech in eggs against granbull at one time, so yeah, and I think it also helps against jirachi in general and of course turn 2 or 3 marshadows or leles. I think we are all unsure about dumbbells, but I'm thinking of specifically making zapdos an easier matchup by forcing 3-shots and with max potion it's just auto-win territory. So I guess it depends on how much zapdos is played, because zoro and most other GXs will 2 or 1 shot you regardless. Though pikarom would need 2 e-power instead of one for a one shot, so that's ideal. And I suppose ultra mally needs a third psychic attached for the one shot.
By the way, I finally ended up putting solrock and lunatone into my egg deck (along with the lunatone that shuts down fire abilities, since I have 3 grass trees and only 1 dragon) and I just had the absolutely most satisfying game on ptcgo against celesaur, you would not believe how good it felt. The turn I put lunatone down (solrock was already in play just to say "hey look, I play theme deck cards"), they tried using their first shaymin, and watching it do that fail wiggle... :D I know muk can do the same against the shaymins, but being able to shut down gardenia and potions as well really took the cake. I don't think I can ever go back, until celesaur fades into irrelevence (which could be as soon as reshizard comes out). It just feels too good.
And I just played 2 charizard decks, I didn't get lunatone out in the first but timely kukuis won the day, and in the second I had three turns of bliss where they had to attach 1 energy at a time to zards and only took one KO while I took 2 (kukuis didn't come to me in this game). The second player was also playing magcargo, so they were shut down pretty hard until they found guzma. I unfortunately couldn't find my brock to get lunatone back again, but I did get the win with the help of my lone dragon egg and acerola.
Whoa, I'm legit sad now just thinking about losing heal block lunatone at rotation. On the other hand, if baby clown or reshizard really does eradicate venusaur, I'm golden, and the other lunatone still shuts down fire abilities, so salazzle and magcargo, but by then I may be all dragon anyway since no lycanroc, and treasure is great. I've had to use acerola to get around my own lunatone, but now the tanky build will have neither acerola nor max potion.
After Unbroken Bonds, stuff like GardEon and Whimsicott GX (don’t forget Clefable could be a thing) will hit you for weakness, so you might want to switch to all grass types. Also, the Altaria line isn’t really necessary in the first place, so just get rid of Dragons.
It's interesting, I have no clue if it's reshizard and baby blowns or gardeon and whimsicott I need to be worried about. There's a cherrim that could theoretically stop the fire stuff from getting weakness kos, but the fire mons are able to get ohkos without weakness so meh. Grass loses ultra ball, since treasure doesn't work for it, but then again, I can put the old sceptile line in both for blowns protection and grovyle search, along with poke comms. Weakness is relevant at least against gardeon and whimsicott, so that's another argument against dragon trees i guess. My deck is great right now since I can two hit anything (if I can shut down venusaur healing) and guzma exists, but two hitting takes a hit with guzma rotating unless I find some other way of gusting (custom catcher seems like a once per game thing, but could be worth it).
Oops, forgot about Blachephalon. Now that I remember, not sure this is a safe deck to play after Unbroken Bonds come out.

Also, grass kind of has net ball.

If someone is gonna play this, it’s gonna need a RowLutor/Sceptile build
I truly insist in never running Altaria/Lurantis in Alolan Exeggutor decks and to just focus on two-shotting every non-GX. Three Shrines and three Choice Bands always felt excessive to me because they're 6 dead cards in a non-GX matchup, and there's plenty of those decks running around lately.