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Dragon Dance - Donphan and Dragons for regionals this Saturday


Aspiring Trainer
So this is my deck fpr regionals this weekend.
I decided to run D&D cause i think the mix coming from the fast attack possibility paired with the huge Power of the both Dragons are fitting the best for the metagame.
Manaphy is clearly for the start and i prefered it cause his HP are a lot better together with Donphan then cleffa. The rest of the deck locks very normally i think.

So we came to the list.:

Pokemon 16
3 Zekrom
3 Reshiram
2 Manaphy
4-4 Donphan Prime

Supporter 16
4x Pokemon Collector
4x Sage training
4x prof Juniper
4x Cheren

Items 14
2x Pluspower
2x switch
4x pokemon catcher
4x Junk Arm
2x Pokecom 3.0

Energies 14
4x DCE
4x rainbow energies
3x Thunder energies
3x Fighting energies

Merci for your rate.
RE: Samurott/ donphan

Well, if you already have 4 Pokemon Collector, Stantler is just redundant. It wastes your energy attachment for the turn, which for Samurott is bad. Collector does a much better job. If you insist on running Sages Training, you can offord to ditch 2 of your Juniper, especially because you are going to run your deck out fast with both. Also Servine isn't really needed, because you really want Rare Candy in here. So:

-4 Stantler
-2 Juniper
-1 Servine

+4 Rare Candy
+1-1 Donphan
+1 Cleffa

3-3 Donphan is for consistency and if you really want a starter than Cleffa is your best choice. 1 is because you really don't want to start with it alone. Thats all I have for now.
RE: Samurott/ donphan

why do you think stantler is that bad? I mean you can`t rely on the 4 collector alone and with dce should the energy turn no problem. I didn`t get the fact whx i should kick the quality pokemon searcher and add a single hand renewer who is only good at the start. i mean this also counts for stantler but in the past there were decks who run 4 copys of research and 4 of call energies to ensure your own start with the basics you want. So please explain me why it is different now.
RE: Samurott/ donphan

The big difference with Call Energy is that while it not only let you get out Basic Pokemon, it also provided Energy, and Roseanne's also gave the option of getting Energy. If you really want a starter, running a Manaphy or Cleffa or two is enough.
RE: Samurott/ donphan

ok i give it a try but i didn`t have a third donphan what can i instead add? Should i add a third cinccino? or exist a pokemon which make my deck a little bit more fit for the metagame
RE: Samurott/ donphan

So a little update.
I test a lot without the stantler and with a single pii instead. But i get very often donked, cause a single pii isn't reliable so i choose to get back to the stantler wo gets me reliable into the game. I doesn't think it's the best solution but wether pii nor tyroque seems to be the best solution and manaphy makes the same energi problem like stantler.
I even decided to run a few zoroarks and test them and I'm satisfied with them.
So any advices for me ?
RE: Samurott/ donphan

Ehm, whats a ''pii''?
You could also run 1 Zekrom for some type coverage.
Also your draw power is a little bit too the big side.
I would recommend maxing out your Junk arms and your pokemon catchers.
RE: Samurott/ donphan

So i test a lot and came down to this list. It looks like a donphan dragon and i like this list. Even i think it missed something, perhaps i should run a few defender but i didn't know exactly what to kick. notice that i didn't have a third donphan but i would run it. Samurott keeps in deck for a better typhlosion match-up.
So any helps any minds when you read this list are required.


p.s. pii is the german name for cleffa sry i mistook the name remind i'm a german
RE: Samurott/ donphan

i already need held or is this deck perfect?

I need help for match-ups like gothella/reuniclus
RE: Samurott/ donphan

I rly have problems with the gothella/reuniclus match-up, once they get their setup. Is there anyone who can help me ?
RE: Samurott/ donphan

DerManaRitter said:
I rly have problems with the gothella/reuniclus match-up, once they get their setup. Is there anyone who can help me ?

^ Just catcher up their ''lone'' pokémon (for example, of the Goth player has 2 Solosis and 1 Gothita, KO the Gothita. If they have 1 Solosis and 2 Gothita, go for the Solosis KO.), and work from there. The Goth matchup is hard as it is, but outspeeding them and giving them no chance to setup are your only ways of taking it down Im afraid. Unless you consider adding in 2+ Mew prime (as well as a Jumpluff tech for mew to LZ), there really isn't an actual counter for DD vs Goth (or at least, none that I can think of). Keep in mind Mew isn't such an awesome start either, and Goth can easily KO your Mews as well.

Otherwise, I suggest:

- 1-1 Zoroark
- 1 Reshiram
- 1-1 Beartic

+ 2-2 Donphan
+ 1 Collector

This should open a lot of options early game, and makes your deck more consistent.
RE: Dragon Dance - Donphan and Dragons

yeah i would prefer more donphans even so, but i didn't have them. That's the only reason why donphan keeps on 2, same goes for the two pokemon catcher. I would like to run 4 copies, but when you didn't own the cards it's hard to use them XD
But all the way thanks. So i must wait on mewtu EX to shot dem their gothithella down
RE: Dragon Dance - Donphan and Dragons

yeah i would definitively but i'm in germany so i must endure the time until NV is released here