Dragon Frontiers ex

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Abomasnow by Xous FTW
I just want to know what EX from that set was over-used at your city championship's. At mine It was Fygon ex with every one having at least two.
The city championship in my country hasn't arrive yet. But I guess many player will use Latias ex δ and Latios ex δ for Master Division, Tyranitar ex δ for either Junior Division and Senior Division.
Hey Arcanine 247 do you know what flygon ex was played with that won in Texas? Was it altaria ex or maybe the eons?

I think flygon ex and t-tar ex will be played the most. They are both annoying especially flygon.
Thank you so much for posting these guys, I will be sure to use this information when formatting my deck for cities. I saw alot of popularity at league with flygon, but also suprisingly salamance.

You might want to watch out for salamances sniping your benched, especially with DF basics. Just throwing that out there.
Mew EX said:
Thank you so much for posting these guys, I will be sure to use this information when formatting my deck for cities. I saw alot of popularity at league with flygon, but also suprisingly salamance.

You might want to watch out for salamances sniping your benched, especially with DF basics. Just throwing that out there.

yea, salamence is E.V.I.L
I bet for my country...a lot will be using Flygon ex d and also Altaria ex d. And maybe even Tyranitar ex d.
If I join, these are the following:
Flygon ex d - at least 2 people
Altaria ex d - at least 1 people
Tyranitar ex d - at least 2 people
Flygon ex δ is looking like it's gonna be insanely popular. Most decks I've faced have used it, but we'll see when cities roll around in January.
Yeah I hear that a large percentage of people here in San Diego and California in general have been using it. At my league they have been using it quite a bit. It's almost a disgrace.
Yes well it's a dragon (dragon's are popular no matter what look for your self http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragons) with no weakness and has power(poke-body+attack) that borders on insane.
That's very true. Just like legendaries, well dragons I would say are borderline legendaries, as they are usually more rare in the games, and contain much more power than the average pokemon in most cases.

Hmm though I'd have to say people using it so inexclusively has made it very unappealing to me.
lol, yeah especially if you don't have one. But as much as it's being hyped, it isn't very tough to beat. I mean a Cessation Crystal can shut off its body and as long as you can withstand 80 damage plus bench damage it's not that tough...

Still wish I had one though :(
Yay! I'm going to cities!
Anyways, I think I'll be seeing lots of Flygon ex d and maybe some Tyraitar ex d...
For an EX 3 or 4 for 80 isn't all that great. I mean people talk like Flygon is invincible since it won Texas. It's really not that hard to beat, especially with non EX pokemon which you could stand to lose.
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