Awesome!! Just what I needed for my day! 
And what I'm most excited about is that even non-V pokémon look good! When was the last time??
I'll make my personal analysis for the first time. I'm no super player, so that's just my humble opinion
First of all, I'd like to say that it is UNFAIR that they killed fairy-type to then do that. And what's even worse is that they don't have any weakness! This bad mechanic that makes certain decks unable to compete in the meta if they're weak to a certain type... well, dragons don't care about it! They've got nothing weak to them as well, but I think it absolutely pays off. Now that I've talked about the only negative, let's go for the positives!
Flaffly: I've been watching google's history videos, so I know abot that Eelektrik's ability and how it combined with Rayquaza-EX. We lack Keldeo-EX now to easily retreat and recharge Rayquaza VMax, but it's good that we will have this after Welder rotates. Until it rotates, though, with one electric attachment first turn and three fire second turn going first, it'll be able to 1HKO lots of VMax. Maybe add a Leon or two to 1HKO all of them. And it's a RAPID STRIKE pokémon we're talking about here.
Rayquaza VMax: I've already talked about it, but it's not enough! The ability is great for a bit of added consistency, and I like how the V has the exact same attack, so you can actually try to smack with the V as well in between VMax, so the opponent is forced to take 8 prizes or something. The ability also helps to discard excess energy to attach with Flaffys. It is a rapid strike, so at least it can use the rapid strike stadium to retreat for free, althought air balloons will probably be needed as well.
Dragonite VMax: It attacks for water water lightining, so it can use Melony to accelerate, and it hits for 250 being a 230 HP V pokémon. Not bad at all! You can even up its HP to 290, so it's not even 1HKOed by Zacian V or Eternatus (without Zigzagoon pings). At the very least, 230 avoids it being 1HKOed by Victini VMax, and that's good!
Drampa: Dragonite also has a possible non-V partner, the cool grandpa!
It takes advantage of Dragoning damaging your bench, doing 160 damage for just one water and one fighting. So you might play some rainbow energies in a Dragonite deck to have a nice 1-prize attacker.
Flapple and Appletun: They're interesting, since they evolve from the same pokémon, and you can use one or the other depending on the situation. Abilities and special energies are and will be used quite a lot, before and after rotation, and it's just a single colorless attachment. The second attack is a bit more difficult to use and will probably not be used as much, but who knows!
Zinnia's Resolve: I don't know if it'll be good, but I guess it might be useful in decks that don't like to discard their entire hand to draw, like Orbeetle VMax with Cheryl (my favourite deck, btw).
Stormy Range: Nice consistency boost for dragons, very welcomed!
Altaria: Isn't that, like, REALLY REALLY good??
Even better than Umbreon VMax! It looks for your Giovanni/Lyssandre exactly whenever you need it! That, or any other supporter! Professor! Cheryl! Leon! Karen's Conviction! Good in control decks as well (that might as well play the other Altaria)! This is so so so awesome people! It can fight in any deck even as a 1-1 line! On top of that, I looove Swablu and Altaria!
Hydreigon: Ok, it is a stage two pokémon that attacks for a psychic and a darkness energy, but... I think the right way to use is not in a single prize deck, we all know how stage 2 1-prize deck tend to be inconsistent and too slow for the current meta. You need to use this thing in a VMax deck! When a VMax is KOed, you just promote this into the active spot and 1HKO whichever VMax is in front of you. Or you can Boss a healthy VMax from your opponent's bench to 1HKO it as well! It can also punish greedy Urshifu VMax multi-prize knockouts. What's more, its psychic requeriement can be paid by accelerating with SR Calyrex. It is still a stage 2, but we'll see.
Noivern V: Another one that can fit into SR Calyrex decks (using rainbow energy as well). The first one, for just one energy is nice, I think. For the second one you can try meetign the requirement by using Marnie and then using just one card from your hand I guess...
Duraludon VMax: Ok, so, the ability is HUGE. Special energys are just everywhere. Someone talked about the difficulty of meeting the energy requirement, but, you musn't forget it is a single strike pokémon, so we can use Houndoom to accelerate both types of single strike energy, as well as metal saucer. Heck, we can even use Bronzong to move all of the energies to another single strike pokémon and then heal it with Cheryl! Add Zacian V into the mix as well! And what's even better is that it is not blocked by itself, since even if it's a mirror match your move will go through anything. And even more! I think it is the first VMax that can go through annoying antimeta Zamazenta V without having to discard energies or using a supporter that's not useful for anything else.
Raihan: I guess it can be cool for 1-prize decks now that we're losing Rosa. Maybe for control decks as well. It's a shame that we're losing Surge though...
I've written a lot. I'm so excited. Thank you to anyone reading :__)
And what I'm most excited about is that even non-V pokémon look good! When was the last time??
I'll make my personal analysis for the first time. I'm no super player, so that's just my humble opinion
First of all, I'd like to say that it is UNFAIR that they killed fairy-type to then do that. And what's even worse is that they don't have any weakness! This bad mechanic that makes certain decks unable to compete in the meta if they're weak to a certain type... well, dragons don't care about it! They've got nothing weak to them as well, but I think it absolutely pays off. Now that I've talked about the only negative, let's go for the positives!
Flaffly: I've been watching google's history videos, so I know abot that Eelektrik's ability and how it combined with Rayquaza-EX. We lack Keldeo-EX now to easily retreat and recharge Rayquaza VMax, but it's good that we will have this after Welder rotates. Until it rotates, though, with one electric attachment first turn and three fire second turn going first, it'll be able to 1HKO lots of VMax. Maybe add a Leon or two to 1HKO all of them. And it's a RAPID STRIKE pokémon we're talking about here.
Rayquaza VMax: I've already talked about it, but it's not enough! The ability is great for a bit of added consistency, and I like how the V has the exact same attack, so you can actually try to smack with the V as well in between VMax, so the opponent is forced to take 8 prizes or something. The ability also helps to discard excess energy to attach with Flaffys. It is a rapid strike, so at least it can use the rapid strike stadium to retreat for free, althought air balloons will probably be needed as well.
Dragonite VMax: It attacks for water water lightining, so it can use Melony to accelerate, and it hits for 250 being a 230 HP V pokémon. Not bad at all! You can even up its HP to 290, so it's not even 1HKOed by Zacian V or Eternatus (without Zigzagoon pings). At the very least, 230 avoids it being 1HKOed by Victini VMax, and that's good!
Drampa: Dragonite also has a possible non-V partner, the cool grandpa!
Flapple and Appletun: They're interesting, since they evolve from the same pokémon, and you can use one or the other depending on the situation. Abilities and special energies are and will be used quite a lot, before and after rotation, and it's just a single colorless attachment. The second attack is a bit more difficult to use and will probably not be used as much, but who knows!
Zinnia's Resolve: I don't know if it'll be good, but I guess it might be useful in decks that don't like to discard their entire hand to draw, like Orbeetle VMax with Cheryl (my favourite deck, btw).
Stormy Range: Nice consistency boost for dragons, very welcomed!
Altaria: Isn't that, like, REALLY REALLY good??
Hydreigon: Ok, it is a stage two pokémon that attacks for a psychic and a darkness energy, but... I think the right way to use is not in a single prize deck, we all know how stage 2 1-prize deck tend to be inconsistent and too slow for the current meta. You need to use this thing in a VMax deck! When a VMax is KOed, you just promote this into the active spot and 1HKO whichever VMax is in front of you. Or you can Boss a healthy VMax from your opponent's bench to 1HKO it as well! It can also punish greedy Urshifu VMax multi-prize knockouts. What's more, its psychic requeriement can be paid by accelerating with SR Calyrex. It is still a stage 2, but we'll see.
Noivern V: Another one that can fit into SR Calyrex decks (using rainbow energy as well). The first one, for just one energy is nice, I think. For the second one you can try meetign the requirement by using Marnie and then using just one card from your hand I guess...
Duraludon VMax: Ok, so, the ability is HUGE. Special energys are just everywhere. Someone talked about the difficulty of meeting the energy requirement, but, you musn't forget it is a single strike pokémon, so we can use Houndoom to accelerate both types of single strike energy, as well as metal saucer. Heck, we can even use Bronzong to move all of the energies to another single strike pokémon and then heal it with Cheryl! Add Zacian V into the mix as well! And what's even better is that it is not blocked by itself, since even if it's a mirror match your move will go through anything. And even more! I think it is the first VMax that can go through annoying antimeta Zamazenta V without having to discard energies or using a supporter that's not useful for anything else.
Raihan: I guess it can be cool for 1-prize decks now that we're losing Rosa. Maybe for control decks as well. It's a shame that we're losing Surge though...
I've written a lot. I'm so excited. Thank you to anyone reading :__)