Dragon Quest IV, who's buying it?


On September 16th, Square-Enix will be releasing a DS remake of the beloved Dragon Quest IV in North America. Are there any other DQ fans on the forums who are excited about picking up this game next Tuesday?
I've never had a chance to play a Dragon Quest game(Other than Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker).
So, I plan to get this one.
My cousin told me that the normal Dragon Quest games are way different.
Square enix should make the next project an FFVI remake. :>
Silver said:
Square enix should make the next project an FFVI remake.
Of course they will. Somehow.

Anyway, I forgot that this game was going to be released until yesterday. Like Silver, I've never played any Dragon Quest game before, but I'll be getting it, so this will be my first time. I just visited the official site and looked up on some information about it; the screenshots of the game look rather impressive, but I don't like any of the character art. ):
Same with everyone here. I'm a noob-DQ person. I have stayed on top of this remake since last summer/fall, so I'll definately be buying it. I should've bought Dragon Quest Rocket Slime, as I've heard that game was excellent, but I might get into this series if this game is good. I doubt this remake will be that good though.

dmaster out.
I'll be getting it tommorow afternoon if it's in by the Gamestop a few meters from my school. ;/

dmsater out.
Lol. I just picked it up a few minutes ago, but I won't be playing it for a while because I have a ton of homework and things to do today. It looks sweet on the back of the game though. ;p

dmaster out.
:eek: I've never played the orginal but I've heard it's really good. The graphics are amazing though. I give it 7.5/10 becaue of no new things: touch screen support, the story is ehhh, and the battles are boring. Of course I'm still with Ragnar, because I haven't hardly any time to play it, but this will change, maybe.

dmaster out.
Yeah, I like the concept of the Chapters, but I mean the actual story is really archaic. Bad guy, chosen hero. Walk then swim then fly. >__>

dmaster out.
I'm now working on Chapter 3 as of now, where are you all at right now? Farther than I am I'm assuming, I've been taking my time.
I'm on Chapter 2. I'm sick though, so I'm not really playing that much.

dmaster out.
Man, I went into buy this game 3 days after it came out.
The person said "We're not gonna have it for another two weeks"
Then I'm like "You're Walmart! My cousin got this game the day it came out over in Sudbury, you're all one stupid company and you all get it at the same time. BULL CRAP YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET IT FOR ANOTHER 2 WEEKS!"