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Dragonite / Garbodor

I never had terrible issues setting up garbodor. Sometimes it comes out before dragonite. If you know you need it thats when you search for it.
I play-tested against my own TDK; even with two silver mirrors, I can't even set up garbordor and dragonite in time.

And the problem I encountered a lot, it's the damages are always missing 10-30 for a knock out....
how do you play a deck like this?? There's no way to get both STage 1s out unless you just get lucky. I just spent thirty rounds and never got both locks going at the same time. lol.
you need more draw power and pokemon search then. I usually get at least 1 up by turn 2. You need to play toward those pokemon rather than just letting them come to you.
yeah i recently went back to my TDK to prepare for regionals, this deck despite the getting lucky or not usually doesnt do so bad for me, unless my opp gets all of their catchers, they catcher and pwn the dratinis so some games I COULDN'T do anything at all.

I love this deck its so fun when it goes off right, but "when it goes off right" wont get me any points at regionals :p
I'm interested on playing this deck & I just want to ask something. When the new rules kick in, are you guys going to keep the catcher or replace it with something else?
With dragonite/garbodor. I would remove them for consistency. I mean if you play things correctly. You shouldnt be too worried about stuff. Not abilities and no items is pretty solid. It would make space for consistency and laserbank. Or even be able to have more silver bangle/mirrors. Add in that 4th dragonite if i did not yet put it in. Catchers really aren't needed for this deck your opponent basically has to manually attach and evolve pokemon while you are free to do w/e you want while messing up their strategy using whatever item cards you want.
Yeah, I also think that catcher can be remove for other cards. I've been thinking on putting in Ghetsis because your opponents going to end up with a lot of item cards in their hand once the item lock appear & I can use Ghetsis to draw more cards. What do you guys think?
In theory it can work. Though with other supporters being so common like N, Juniper, and Colress. Their hand usually never gets huge. Your opponent would most likely supporter thier hand away once it gets too big. To either prevent Ghetsis, or to look for stuff they need and get rid of useless item cards.

Besides Ghetsis only shuffles cards back in so they can use them later when your lock breaks for some reason. Ghetsis is also kind of useless if not first turn, or after a few turns of deafen. I like Hugh for this reason, It forces them to discard cards. Granted they get to choose what. But this gives them a tough choice between cards they could use in the future if they plan on breaking your lock, or otherwise.
OK, thanks for the point. I noticed there's only 2 Ultra Ball & 1 Level Ball on the deck list, is it going to be enough to get the Dragonite & Garbodor come out? or Tropius actually compensate for this?
Well it depends on tropius coming out early. That is why i had 3 at one point. Tropius Turn 1 with 1 grass energy a huge start. It helps go through your deck relatively fast as long as you have enough instantly played trainer cards. Level ball and ultra ball also help slim your hand down. Idk i havent looked through this deck in a while because i've been soo focused on my beedrill deck. I would probably edit it a bit now to make it better with the experiences that Beedrill has taught me. But idk its up to you to try and test it out.