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Dragon's Wrath (Dragonite EX / Eelektrik)


  • 4x Tynamo
    4x Eelektrik
    3x Dragonite EX
    2x Shaymin EX
    2x Druddigon

  • 4x Professor Juniper
    2x N
    2x Muscle Band
    2x Lysandre's Trump Card
    2x Lysandre
    1x Pal Pad
    1x AZ
    1x Enhanced Hammer
    3x Ultra Ball
    2x Roller Skates
    3x Heavy Ball
    1x Energy Switch
    2x Switch
    1x Professor's Letter
    2x Skyarrow Bridge

  • 4x Double Colourless Energy
    7x Grass Energy
    5x Lightning Energy


You essentially get your Energy rolling with Shaymin's to get the Grass built up. Discard the Lightning Energy and get it back right away with Eelektrik's, then you drop the Dragonite EX and it can just about 2HKO everything on board, maybe OHKO with the Muscle band. It's quick and easy to get Dragonite's Energy built up quickly with Shaymin's and Dragonite's Ability let's it Burst forth and dominate the board quickly.
RE: Dragon's Wrath

Looks like a good idea. Virizion EX is better than Shaymin for energy acceleration. Also, Eelektrik is not in the BCR-On format.
I could not remember what format we were on so I went with what I was informed by a few friends xD And Virizon EX does seem like a very viable option. We were also thinking of trying out Miltank (FF)
Miltank isn't going to be a viable option unless you're playing a Stage 2, which at the moment you're not. I'd definitely want to play Dragonite with Virizion over Eelektrik for a few reasons (other than being out of format). Dragonite requires 2 Grass Energy and only 1 Lightning Energy, meaning it makes much more sense to play something that accelerates Grass Energy than something that accelerates Lightning Energy. Virizion has a few bonuses such as being a Basic, not taking up Bench space, having a generally useful Ability, and it's a pretty good answer to Seismitoad if you're going up against the Seismitoad / Garbodor lock.
Thanks guys! We love the feedback and tried out the Virizion's EX and they are running beautifully in the deck. Any other suggestions and comments are much appreciated!!! :D