Draw after Claydol and Uxie

Man I missed good ol' Cleffa in decks. (Neo1 deck anyone?) I think that this shouldn't be worried about until we start Nats/Worlds discussion. I'm sure in HGSS(JP2) we might see some more draw cards. I was thinking Porygon 2 and supporters but then I remembered that if it is PL-on that Porygon 2 would be rotated out haha. I forgot that that card was so old. Just didn't see it till that recent Porygon Z promo hit. Oh well. I think Straptor FB would be a decent choice but you have to remember that it is a lv. X but it does have free retreat so getting him to your bench wouldn't be hard.
To be honest, I could really see it being LA-on or SF-on, and that's probably the more fair and better choice, but to make it simple I bet they just cut it to PL-on.
I'd actually like to see people using Volkner's and POV more often, but I'm not gonna lie, Roseanne's Research will be sorely missed once it's gone for good. :(
BlazeTK said:
To be honest, I could really see it being LA-on or SF-on, and that's probably the more fair and better choice, but to make it simple I bet they just cut it to PL-on.

Anything is possible I guess. But I really hope they don't cut GE without SF. Gengar and Machamp will be even more deadly than they already are if you can't G.
the reason people dont use supporters as draw cards is that it takes the place of the search card. But with cards like pokèmon communicator coming out supporters will be less needed as a search card and can be used as a draw card. Go look at the leafeon vs. metagross article to see all the new supporters coming out. Plus with HGSS and LR comming out soon there will be plenty of new supporters to chose from. there's five new draw suporters(copycat,engineers control,MCs chatter, cheerleaders chant,judge) for those of you sick and tired of Roseanne research there's pokemon collector who searchs for 3 basic pokèmon, and interviewers question which is almost like a reprint of holon lass. You also have professor elms to look at. Please dont lose faith in pokèmon tcg, you'll just have to adapt.
If you look back before GE the awnswer is simple.
Before GE, trainers and Pokemon attacks were the engines. Budew, Bebe's, Rosy's, Poke Ball, Great Ball, etc.
The game will slow down alot, but I liked back then more anyway

Rock Wrecker said:
Will they make a new roseannes?

It's already printed in POP8, witch I doubt will get rotated. Bebe's is in RR, so the only card I'm really worried about is Rare Candy. Needs to be printed in the next JPN set
Soul Seeker said:
We get more and more back into the old days of the game...awesome!

I know, it made me happy when I learned that Prime Pokemon are the exact same thing as Ex's except you don't draw 2 prizes too ^^
(Though in the next JPN set, Legends give you 2 prizes unlike HGSS, so the same might happen to Primes as well)
ThePokemonProfessor said:
If you look back before GE the awnswer is simple.
Before GE, trainers and Pokemon attacks were the engines. Budew, Bebe's, Rosy's, Poke Ball, Great Ball, etc.
The game will slow down alot, but I liked back then more anyway

It's already printed in POP8, witch I doubt will get rotated. Bebe's is in RR, so the only card I'm really worried about is Rare Candy. Needs to be printed in the next JPN set

rare candy is coming out again in the metagross& leafeon kits just look!
I am personally glad Uxie and Claydol will be rotated out. I think it will make the game more based on skill and trainers, not powers. I hate taking up the space to use Uxie, I've never used Claydol.:p
I am hoping that they eliminate most of the draw and make it more like magic so we can play 2 out 3, those drawing cards take up so much time and make lucky topdecks too much of a factor IMO. But Ninetales and Noctowl and maybe even Slowking can be the next set of drawers(oh and Staraptor FB X too)
ThePokemonProfessor said:
If you look back before GE the awnswer is simple.
Before GE, trainers and Pokemon attacks were the engines. Budew, Bebe's, Rosy's, Poke Ball, Great Ball, etc.
The game will slow down alot, but I liked back then more anyway

It's already printed in POP8, witch I doubt will get rotated. Bebe's is in RR, so the only card I'm really worried about is Rare Candy. Needs to be printed in the next JPN set

Rare Candy was in pop8 not bebe's