
Papi/Manny said:
How is steven's advice situational? Heck, even last year with dusknoir, you'd still get 4 cards (making it bdif).

Well, seeing that you had to have a certain amount of cards or less in your hand to actually be able to use it....that may be it for one, and why would you want to waste it to get one card? Especially if you have more than one supporter in your hand. Situational means using it at the best possible time to yield the best results of the play. If I have Cynthia's in my hand, I'll use it when I need it, even if that means before getting knocked out. Because I can still use claydol after using it.

Claydol is situational too. You can't always use it when you need to. Case closed.

Honestly Papi, is your goal in life just to argue with everyone in an attempt to be right? Certainly seems like it to me.
Read his sig, it explains everything.

Steven's is much higher than cynthia's in my opinion because it holds much synergy with Claydol. It also refreshes the hand much faster.
^That was only added recently after the whole AMU fiasco. Steven's also does hold alot more synergy with claydol, and offers a way to get back after a claydol/wager kill-joy (cynthia's does do this too). And having a hand of 9-12>hand of 8.
Secretsof2113 said:
Papi/Manny said:
How is steven's advice situational? Heck, even last year with dusknoir, you'd still get 4 cards (making it bdif).

Well, seeing that you had to have a certain amount of cards or less in your hand to actually be able to use it...that may be it for one, and why would you want to waste it to get one card? Especially if you have more than one supporter in your hand. Situational means using it at the best possible time to yield the best results of the play. If I have Cynthia's in my hand, I'll use it when I need it, even if that means before getting knocked out. Because I can still use claydol after using it.

Claydol is situational too. You can't always use it when you need to. Case closed.

Honestly Papi, is your goal in life just to argue with everyone in an attempt to be right? Certainly seems like it to me.
If you have 8 cards in your hand, then you should have most of the cards you need. Assuming your running claydol, you can easily dump a few cards (or just claydol) and then steven's for 5-6. If the opponet only has one pokemon in play, then I don't see that player winning very often. Very often, after you cynthia's, you can only draw 1-2 cards. Not a very good claydol (actually probly better of claydoling before you cynthia's and then dropping it if nothing else gets hit).

Good, thanks for proving my original point and proving that decks need draw cards.

Honestly, you and the other mods need to get off me (instead of the expression I originally had here) and realize that this is an open forum, and I'm free to express my thoughts. What are you going to do, ban me for starting debates? Oh boy, way to shut down my first amendment rights. So how about you go delete spam and moderate deck posts/offer helpful points instead of attacking me?
*Looks around* Since when did I become a mod?

And when you sign up for a forum, you do agree to a certain set of rules, which sometimes means giving up your first amendment rights. Perhaps you should talk to your father about that one. You know, since he is a mod on the gym and all.
I assumed you were a mod, since you are a mod on the gym (and I think you were on the beach first). My bad.

Since I can't find the rules on conduct here, I'll use the gym's.

"Good posts are contributions to the Pokémon TCG community consisting of:
alternative or successful approaches"

Seems like I do that alot.

"Thank you for not posting:
references to profanity-Rare occasions, and only when provoked.
personal attacks on individuals-See above
apparently just for the sake of arguing-no, I offer the opposite side of some people's perspective (not all) and that seems to spark alot of debate.
content or links beyond a PG rating-Never
unhelpful, unkind or rude remarks-My posts are usually very helpful (if you want to listen) and are only rude when provoked.

the same point or request over and over-Hmmm, seems like alot of people do this to me.
polls, duplicate topics or personal requests-Ignored.

off-topic remarks, personal info or links to other sites-This one happens alot (e.g. this thread).
that your or someone else's opinion or group isn't welcome-hmm, this one sounds familar.
too much information about your personal life or experiences-I do relate this to my experiences, but when they are on-topic.
inside jokes, terms or acronyms not understood by the majority-Don't do.
about your annoyance with this list or its enforcement "-haha

Nothing in there says anything about me unable to say what I want to say (profanity and vulgarity aside). I doubt that beach's and gym's rules are very different.

To get back on topic, our current draw supporters are very weak compared to those of yesterday, placing even more pressure on claydol. As it stands, the best draw supporter are there is probly wager, as it can win a match if the opponet doesn't have claydol. This wager/claydol relationship is not very healthy for the game and will lead to very stale deck structures.
I use 4 cythius in my deck but all the pokes have 60-50 HP and that only becomes 80-70 with snowpoint so it's helpful
sigh... if only TGW never existed.

But seriously, this card holds so much disruption power, and if you don't have Claydol, you're screwed. I would run this card, but I don't have a Claydol (nor do I want one thank you very much).

Elekid: You use four cynthias? Good luck.
If you don't want to use claydol, you can use TGW with chatot too.I'm use 1-2 chatot in my deck and it's excellent synergy with TGW because you can just refresh your hand after you use it.
Eh, Claydol is better. For one, it refreshs with a Power. Two, it doesn't have to be active. And most importantly of all, you can still so damage, and not have Chatot take up a turn in attacking.

I am certainly not saying Chatot is bad. I know it has proven its worth by being in a World winning deck. But, if you use it over Claydol...then you have some problems.
But with so many snipe pokemon (Raichu being the most broken and worst), Claydol's going to see some major rough storms.
Yeah, but Claydol will still likely be around. And Chatot gets killed just as easily, too.

Claydol's usage will still go down though, no doubt.
I don't think Claydol, with its amazing draw engine (though nothing will ever beat the holon engine), sill be able to stand the onslaught. You're pretty much giving a possibility of a dependency of an enginge that can be KO'd so esily.
It will have problems, but I still am firm on my belief it will not die out completely with SF. What other engine do we have?

Which is why I'm hoping we can get some GREAT trainers in Galactic's Conquest.
Honesty, with all the decent trainers we have, and the likely revival of Porygon Z, I'm not surprised to see the Soviet Engine back in action (Marley's Wish is also included as a weaker alternative to Scott).
Was the soviet engine Porygon 2/Scott?

I guess the revival could be Marley's Wish/Porygon 2/Stantler.

Hey... I like that!

Though, like Claydol, doesn't it require an 80 HP Stage 1 as well?
Yes, but its not just a tech. It's part of the main attacker's line. Comparision:

You drag out Claydol to stall. It dies.
You drag out Porygon 2 to stall. You draw Porygon Z, evolve, then have a new main attacker.
Yeah, so what do you do on Wager+power lock? cry?

HAR, My soviet engine name traveled here too? Pffffffhahaha, I thought for sure that was dead :'D You guys made my day.
That engine was a pretty obvious idea (and that name is completely redonkulous). :/ Wager+power lock? What deck does this thats even remotely playable? Same can be said about claydol. However, porygon 2 is vastly inferior to claydol, and theres no supporters out there to use him over claydol.
As I said before though, the name caught on more than I wanted it to :/ I said in the original thread it was obvious, but no, people attack me about it to this day.

Wager+power lock can come from AMU or GG, which are both viable decks, though not the very best. When Isaid that, also, I was referring to Claydol saying that draw cards ARE a good idea.