Dreams you've had


I also have lots of dreams that are totally the same as real life.

In many of my dreams, it is just a normal day where I wake up, catch the bus to school ect.
Those annoy me too because dreams arent real and as such, the topics should be fantasy make beleive stuff too.
I had a dream one time that my mom died, though it was weird, and I was really shaken when I woke up. I believe I was in 4th grade.
One I had a dream about a horse show. All of the sudden this random brown fuzzy dragon showed up and freaked people out.
Then I was in Washington D.C. walking around the Smithsonian. After that I remember giant purple glowing battle ships attacking New York. Yes, this was all one dream. When I woke up I was very confused. I was in 6th grade.

I also had a dream about cooking a hot dog. The next day I was cooking the exact hot dog! Weird...
One of my dreams was really depressing. I was in this fantasy world, and Pokemon were involved. I had to go to the tower, and I don't remember why, but I needed to go there or something really bad would happen. There was someone with me, too, who guided me around (I believe it was a Gardevoir, actually), and we walked for what seemed like ages until we reached the tower. At the top, there was this crystal, and then as soon as I touched it everything fell apart (including the Gardevoir literally melting. It was really disturbing) and then I woke up.

...so yeah.
i had a dream i got stabbed in the head with a ninja star by frankenstien when i was like 10. right after i got stabbed i could only see red for like 10 seconds after i got up. and i had a crazy hurting headache. and i couldn't breathe for like 5 seconds. crazzzyyyy
Had a dream where I was a character from one of my stories and saved the day. Then I went back home to see my girlfriend spazzing. She said I didn't tell her where I was and I was like "I was out saving the day!" and she stabbed me! =)
Joethegreat1 said:
Cows walking up the side of the wall....

enough said.

Wow. 0.0 I've had a dream like that. A dream about cows. It was that I was in a hamburger factory and my sister was there. My sister is a vegetarian so whenever she saw a cow get killed ( they DONT kill them there in real life ), she would sympathize by moaning " ooooh it must of had a good life! " over and over. I've had nightmares about that dream.
My dreams are usually pretty weird, and don't have an detail at all. One of my biggest dreams is where i'm at a tournament. There are 2 variations from there:

A)Between rounds I lose like half of my deck, then i lie to cover it up and keep playing. I then proceed to go 0-5

B) I drive somewhere for lunch break and for some odd reason I can't find my way back. Then I get like 3 game losses
Once I had a series of dreams that I lived in a zoo, and the gorilla always tried new strategies to kill me..... though it never worked.
I'm only telling one of my dreams that doesn't even compare to the weirdest one.

I won Pokemon Worlds, I then get sucked into a portal. I am Sora from Kingdom Hearts and do the story. Out of nowhere, I am a victim in Saw and somehow survive and run into all different kinds of Horror genre movies and survive them. Then in the end, I turn into Cyrus and capture a Weavile and create Team Galactic and ruled the world.

Hey, not my fault. O__o
I had a weird dream. it was only a quick thing, but it was weird. I saw a 28 year old woman standing in from of a mirror. Standing right behind her was a heavily build, dopey looking man, and a tall, thin scientist. The woman had a thick brown moustache and said. "I tried my best. I really did."

I know, I'm scared too..
I had a dream that my parents died. I moved to an orphanage, and got adopted by one of my friends Parents. His name is Kevin Chao. IE Box of Fail, or Rhincodon Typus. He's asian with red hair. His family made me get Plastic Surgery so I look asian, and die my hair. I told him about this dream, and he said, "Are you in love with me?" Or something along those lines. xP
I have dreams constantly where they show the what's gonna happen the next day which is really wierd because one time this one was sad as heck because my great grandma was in the hospital and the next day same exact way in the dream she ended up passing away the same exact way as the dream I had

It's really sad
hmm, my dreams almost always end up as nightmares, but for some reason, I can consciously go suicidal in them before anything bad happens. >__> It's wierd, but I do it consciously.

although I did have 1 dream where I pulled a RH Claydol... with over9000 HP. o_O
I usually don't remember my dreams, but there are some vivid ones that just stick out. Like once, my uncle popped out of a box grinning and scared the crap out of me and my parents. And another time, my elementary school was getting air-bombed and I was hiding in the gym behind the tetherball poles.

But this is all nothing compared to Forum Shark's dreams. 0.o