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Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Original post updated. Here's a quote of it highlighting the things I still want, which all should be coming out on the 14th (Rising Fist + Mega box)

Athena said:
Pokémon Centre
2x Rising Fist Booster Box ¥3240 x2
1x Mega Lucario Box ¥1480
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Thanks for looking Drohn! Hopefully Mandarake has some, and I guess ShimmeringIce and I will cover the costs of them for you since we are OCD about all of our precious items arriving safely. :p
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Drohn said:
[smod]omahanime[/smod] when did you join the billionaire club? And where is my share?

You would be amazed how much you can get for selling your extra lung and kidney. lol

Drohn said:
@omahanime: Can you show which Charizard you mean (from which picture/video)? I can check the prize and if it's the first edition. It would be easier if you tell me the maximum you would pay for it so I know whether to buy it or not if I see it (if we don't know the price now that is).


In the picture it looks like 2500 yen.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

They have quite a lot of epic cards there, too bad I already spent a fortune xD
My mom keeps wondering where all the money goes. Ooops

If they'd have Espeon * or Umbreon * I bet everyone would go crazy. They are so rare I could buy half the PC stock with the money I'd spend on them xD
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Lol, Riraito. xD

@Suikun: Did you see any of those cards in the videos/pictures? Those are the only Pokémon cards they currently have there.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Haha Riraito. It was worth a shot though right? XD

Drohn, I definitely want this Alakazam. I also want one of the Shining Mew's, but I'm pretty sure there's not gonna be enough for everyone...so I'll just be the #sadpanda over here. :p Did you happen to see a Suicune from Neo Revelations? I just saw that you found Entei and Raikou, so I figured that it might be worth a shot as well. lol
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

I'll take a picture and look for the Suikun and other cards. I'll let you know what they have. I'm glad I asked about the Mew; I thought it was the other one. >.>
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Thanks! I really appreciate it. Haha It's alright Drohn. You're still learning. By the time you get back home though, you'll be a TCGMLG Pro! :p
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Does that require knowing what MLG means? That might be an issue.. >_>

@Riraito: Did you see any of the cards you wanted on the pics or in the videos? Or were you just asking and not ordering the cards?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Haha it means Major League Gaming. Good news is it has nothing to do with your TCG knowledge, but everything to do with your VGC prowess. It was really just to make the title sound cooler...Plus I know that you're proficient in the video games as well, so it fits...kinda. XD
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

I do okay in Video Gaming, but I'm more of a casual player. :p I head the Casual VG & Wi-Fi Forums on PokeBeach; PG24 and Uralya do the Competitive VG stuff. I do love battling on Pokémon, but I never really got into the tiers much up until not too long ago. Multi Battles are my favourite. :D

[private]I'll continue the conversation through profile comments so we don't get too off-topic here. :p [/private]
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Yea, so am I. I dabbled in the competitive battling scene for a bit and still do breed 6IV Pokes, but it just wasn't for me. I do love battling friends though with crazy teams that I come up with or just my favorites. I guess I just really don't like going up against some mixture of the same 5 Pokemon with 1 random one thrown in, or 6 Legendaries if you're playing Ubers. :p I do really like Multi Battles as well...and Rotation Battles are fun too! :D
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

If I start thinking too much about IVs and EVs it completely ruins the game for me. And then I tend to get beaten by people who do, so I don't battle with actual people that much... But in game we are the champions!

And for the Mew, just remember that it's blue and upside down!
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

I don't think I can afford any more stuff right now. And I'm not sure if you'd be happy with me still paying you in August xD

I try to avoid the 6 IV stuff, but I do have a few Pokémon with good IV and stuff. I always get beaten anyway.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

August is fine, no worries. :D

I generally don't care about EV/IV for my in-game team, but I do breed & train Pokémon for battles after I beat the game. I love all my Pokémon though. <3
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

I hope all this TCG madness isn't overwhelming for you Drohn, it's just that the prices are far more inexpensive in Japan than anywhere else.
I'll try and keep the cards I'm asking for as simple as possible...

These were seen in the photos or videos:
-Shining Mew (Same as ShimmeringIce & Suikun)
-Base Set Charizard (Same as ShimmeringIce)
-Entei (The one you got for Riraito)

These weren't seen in the photos or videos:
-Any Mewtwo Cards
-Any Skyla Cards
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Are you sure you don't mind me STILL paying you in August? Could you send me a PM with how much I owe you atm?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Pritpal, I don't remember anything about requesting a Base Set Charizard. I think that was someone else.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

@ShimmeringIce & Riraito: I only breed "perfect Pokemon" for trades and such since most of the Pokes I can get locally are ones that I can get in my game anyways so it's kind of mandatory when trading online. Everyone seems to want some shiny Legendary nowadays for only a Diglett. Smh... :3 I'd much rather just use my favorites in-game or some wacky team I come up with that involves some strange or underused game mechanic. :p Casual Players FTW! :D

Anyways, Drohn here's an updated list with everything that you've bought so far crossed off. It's really just a running list for me to keep track of everything in case I need to change something, so definitely not a final list. Sorry. :3

- Greninja Pokedoll
- Gengar Keychain Plush
- Talonflame Kids Figure
- Mega Absol Figure
- 2x Boxes of Rising Fist
- Mega Lucario Box
- Tyrunt Pokedoll
- Mega Lucario Sleeves
- Shining Mew CoroCoro Promo
- Alakazam Masaki Promo
- Suicune from Neo Revelations (If you see one)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Drohn, I just got you a ton more orders eh? XD

Darn, Suikun noticed the Masaki Alakazam! It slipped right by me. Oh well.

EDIT: I already have one anyways :p I just collect the Masakis casually...