RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka
MrSquarepants (Paid products & partially shipping/additional fee)
4x Wild Blaze Booster Box
2x Pokémon XY Theme Decks (Yveltal and Xerneas)
4x Generation 5 Promo Boxes (N, White/Black Kyurem, Zekrom, Reshiram)
1x 1st Edition Wild Blaze Booster Box
1x Umbreon Plushie
2x Mega Charizard Card Sleeves
1x CoroCoro
GoldenHau (Paid)
1x Mega Blaziken Dice Bag
2x Mega Charizard Card Sleeves (64 sleeves)
1x Mega Charizard Deck Box
2x Booster Box Wild Blaze
1x Mega Charizard Deck 60 Charizard EX
1x Coro Coro with the Charizard Promo
3x Charizard Mega Battle Pack (do you have a picture of another mega battle pack so I know what to look for, even though the image will be different?)
1x Tyrunt line Charm
1x Amaura line Charm
Riraito (paid products)
1x MonColle Greninja Figure
1x Litleo Pokedoll
1x Froakie Pokedoll
1x Umbreon Plushie
Scorched Feathers
1x Wild Blaze Box
1x Fletchling Moncolle figure
1x Fletchling phone charm
Brave Vesperia
2x XY Card Sleeves
Everything x.x
Reshiram and Zekrom box things for Riraito (what are they called?)
Pictures for Athena of the other charms (you could possibly go to Bulbapedia and c/p the names in Japanese text into amazon to see what they look like, that way I can get them this trip)
Moncolle figures
Prices for TCG stuff
People can still make new orders too, of course!
*Or confirm I didn't forgot anything so I know you read it.

Also tell me if I forgot anything specific you wanted me to check the price/availability of please.