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Drohn's Pokémon Centre - (Closed)

RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

NeruCake said:
... 8I
Do you know if they're releasing these cases for the regular 3DS? The one with the starters and legendaries is so awesome but I don't have an XL. :c
Where did you read about these? I tried to search it but I'm apparently not good at that! Haha!

It requires a bit of finagling, but you can see some upcoming products directly on the pokemon.co.jp site. The little house link in the top row brings up the Pokémon Center section and there are links there for current and upcoming product promotions. If you don't know Japanese, X月Y日 are always dates (usually release dates in this sort of an instance) and X円 is prices in yen. You can also use Google Translate to get this gist of things. I studied Japanese for a few semesters, but it was many years ago and my kana/kanji reading skills are very rusty. This is the page where you can see the products under this particular design scheme. It doesn't look like there are regular 3DS covers, just the XL (which I guess is called the LL in Japan; you learn something new every day!), but there's also some other products including a 3DS carrying case and a game cartridge case.

I don't actually know if this is how Riraito found out about the cases, but this is how I was able to find out more information about the design and available products at least. :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

I'm a member of pkmncollectors, someone posted it there a few days ago. A few members live in Japan and post news very often.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

I'm shipping the Goomy plush today. Did anyone else already complete their order and wants it shipped or should I wait until Rising Fist with those?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Hey, I'm interested in buying 1x FIFA Pikachu Figure With Soccer/Football depending on the total cost, which I'm aiming to keep to a minimum. I believe the shelf price is 1200 JPY (Correct me if I'm wrong).

So after doing a few calculations and estimating the total cost it should be around: 1200 (Item) + 440 (Transport) + 430 (Surface Mail - Small Package) + 600 (Additional) + 93.5 (PayPal) = 2160 JPY

Please let me know if I've gone wrong somewhere. I'm not sure about the Shipping costs because I find the website a little confusing, if I'm wrong with the cost of that, then I'd like to know what the cheapest possible Shipping is.

Also, I'd appreciate it if you could wait to buy this item until you have more orders so that Transport costs will be as little as possible for me.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Drohn said:
I'm shipping the Goomy plush today. Did anyone else already complete their order and wants it shipped or should I wait until Rising Fist with those?

I'm not sure if I should wait since I feel like I have quite a bit already. Do you think it would be less expensive to wait and just ship everything together in one larger package or two smaller ones? I'm just worried that the package would be too big if I waited :/
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

You already have Goomy ? As for me, I'm waiting your next PC trip to ship it with Mega Charizard X and Pika Soccer (open mouth)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Oh I got a Goomy for someone else on an earlier trip. I'll get one for you on the next trip if they still have it! Sorry for the confusion. I'll probably go again tomorrow, since multiple people ordered.

@Pritpal: I can do the complete calculation after I bought and shipped the items. It looks about right what you got. The prices in the Pokémon centre are usually slightly higher than indicated on amazon or charizardrainbows, but that's not always the case. For shipping you have to estimate the weight. You should enter the prefecture Fukuoka and your own state/country/location.

@Fox: I really don't know what would be cheaper. I assume one bigger one is cheaper than 2 smaller ones of the same weight, but I don't know. I assume that, because else people would more commonly split their package into different smaller packages.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Reposting this, because it's like a billion pages back and I've edited it a few times.

For next time:

- Large blue cup from the Japanese design promo
- Female Pyroar figure (should come with a pokeball)
- Litleo sticker thingy
- Espurr Wanted! cookie tin
- Espurr Wanted! Espurr plush with Pokepuff
- Espurr Wanted! Espurr and Meowstic M/F keychain plushies
- Espurr Wanted! bookmarks
- Espurr PC plush
- 3DS XL hard cover (Starters + Yveltal/Xerneas)
- Meowstic PC plushes (both)
- Espurr Wanted! both large Meowstic plushes

RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Happy Birthday! :D

I asked someone from Japan and they said that was the price but I can't be so sure.

I estimated the weight and entered the details but when the results are shown there are 2 values which come up, 430 Yen and 1,800 Yen. If the cost is 430 Yen then I'd be happy to purchase the item but 1,800 is a bit too much for me. Please could you advise me?

Many thanks,
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Alright Drohn, just thought I'd post a tentative list for my order since it's getting closer to all of the Rising Fist stuff coming out....and well, because everyone else is doing it. Peer pressure ftw! Btw, Happy Birthday!!! :D

-2 boxes of Rising Fist (Are the promos given with each individual sale like last time or???)
-Tyrunt Pokedoll (the new one for 1,000 yen please :))
-Mega Lucario Box
-Mega Lucario Sleeves (Do we know if there is a deck box as well?)

Thanks again for this amazing service Drohn! If you weren't doing this, I'd be spending a fortune on other sites to get the same stuff. XD

And Pritpal, I think the two rates are for different dimensions of the package as well as how much weight they support. The first is for packages up to 2kg and the second is for packages up to 30kg. So, you should be fine with the first option if I'm correct, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong Drohn. That's just what I gathered from the little bit of research that I did during my first order. XD
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Thanks for the happy birthday wishes! :D
@Pritpal: Suikun is correct! :) There are different shipping options with different prices. The Economy Air Mail is usually not that expensive. For lightweight packages I usually pay 400-600 Yen. When it's close to that 2 Kilogram it will be around 1500 Yen with Economy Air Mail.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Drohn said:
@Fox: I really don't know what would be cheaper. I assume one bigger one is cheaper than 2 smaller ones of the same weight, but I don't know. I assume that, because else people would more commonly split their package into different smaller packages.

Thanks for the response, Drohn! I think I'll wait for Rising Fist then to complete my order :)
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

For some reason, AmiAmi says the Lucario deck boxes are released in July. Maybe because we also got that Hawlucha EX box?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Lucario deck box :3
The one with the Hawlucha EX is indeed released next month. More packs to open :D
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Oh, derp. facepalm.jpg

I guess that is weird, since the deck boxes that match a set usually come with the set, but I fully admit that I don't really follow the releases for those all too closely since I'm particularly interested in them personally (unless the designs are really, really awesome). The sleeves are still expected to come out the same day as Rising Fist still, too. I guess it could be a production delay or something. I guess we'll just have to wait until Drohn goes to the PC on the 14th and sees if they're there or not.
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Uhu, maybe it's just AmiAmi being weird.

Argh, those large Meowstic plushes are calling my name. I think I even saw them in my dreams last night >.>'
But I don't have a job, nobody is looking to hire people and I don't have a car so I could drive to work somewhere else ;.;
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

AmiAmi might be full of preorders for that day. That might be the next possible date for them to receive deckboxes?
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

@Drohn No problem. It's what I thought but as I wasn't sure I preferred to ask x)

Ahah Riraito, you might like my new gets :3
RE: Drohn's Pokémon Centre - Pickup Service from Japan's Pokémon Centre in Fukuoka - Plushes, Cards, and much more!

Please look for this when you go. :) http://pokevault.com/MegaAbsolNecklace