Just one...Hmmm, I'll give you Celebi for it IF I can have Vulpix, too, and both DeepSea items attached to both Pokemon. Another optional trade is my Corphish Egg (after breeding) for your Chimchar(if you have it, preferrred), Aron, Murkrow, or Seel. If you don't trust me, the Corphish egg can be hatched, but will take longer. Summarized in easier-to-understand form:
Celebi (legit but cloned)
Corphish Egg
Corphish Egg
I can wait until tomorrow morning if you're willing to fish Chihchou and Carvanha to find new ones... Besides, I already have the Corphish eggs . Or, I WILL accept the Gorebyss and Huntail if atleast one is the correct nature.