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Dropping the Hammer with Ampharos! (Ampharos DRX/Eelektrik NV)/Raikou EX/Mewtwo EX


Aspiring Trainer
Basic Strategy is to deny energy with hammers and deal quite of bit of damage with Ampharos DRX's power, Electromagnetic Wall. Any suggestions would be very helpful! Thanks!

4-2-4 Ampharos DRX
2-2 Eelektrik NVI
1 Emolga DRX
1 Mewtwo EX NXD
1 Raikou-EX DE

4 Professor Juniper
3 N
2 Bianca
4 Crushing Hammer
3 Enhanced Hammer
2 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Random Reciever
2 Switch
2 Pokemon Catcher
4 Rare Candy

9 Lightning
I kind of liked Groudon with Ampharos, as it allows him to get the 120 off on anything that gets energy attached

i would mabey bump the eel line up and catcher but else wise i think this a very good deck

p.s. i would take out emolgla it's going to be prize drawing for your opponents

hope i helpd
Thanks for the help! I like the Groudon idea, maybe I'll try that in a separate deck! I might cut the Emolga for another Catcher, but this deck I think needs Super Rods as well, so I might cut the Level Balls for a Super Rod and a 3rd Ultra Ball. BUMP!!!