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Drowzee / Victreebell


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Drowzee
    4 Bellsprout
    2 Weepinbell
    4 Victreebell
    2 Skrelp
    2 Dragalge

  • 4 Sycamore
    4 N
    4 Korrina
    4 Rare candy
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Energy Retrival
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Dowsing Machine
    1 Startling Megaphone
    3 Virbank City Gym

  • 4 Psychic
    8 Grass


Drowzee is your main attacker with bad vibes. victorybells ability allows you to discard a grass energy attached to it to make the defending pokemon posioned and confused, drowzee's attck bad vibes makes it so your oppenent flips tails for any coin flip during the turn. Dragalge is to stop the pokemon from retreating if poisioned. your only form of damage comes from virbank and your oponent fliping tails when they try to attack. Aside from the Virizion ex auto loss i fell like this deck could be raher annoying.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
-2 Bellsprout
-1 Weepinbell
-2 Victreebell

Your Victreebell will be sitting on the bench the entire game, and will most of the time remain unhurt. Such a heavy line seems unnecessary. I'd add a line of Dusknoir, in case the opponent would be knocked out going into his next turn.

+1 Duskull
+1 Dusknoir
-1 Rare Candy

Besides Virizion EX, switching cards and Keldeo EX are also big threats against the deck. You will want to disrupt your opponents item cards, and catcher up any benched Keldeo's.

+2 Ghetsis
+2 Lysandre
yeah i was think that the victrebell line was a little thick so i do like the dusknoir idea to keep moving the posion damage. I actually dindt even think of ghetsis and lysandre in the deck, those 2 cards would be good additions to the deck.
Maybe run a Mr. Mime so that your benched Victreebel can't be hurt by anything. Not saying it'll happen, just in case. I love this idea by the way
I wasnt to woried about victreebell geting hurt, but a single Mr. Mime could be good. I think the deck could be pretty good even with the litle drowzee as the main attacker.
It's definitely interesting. Once Furious Fists drops, I may make this into one of my fun decks. Really the only reason I'd run Mime is if they can play a switch and get out Darkrai EX, Kyurem PLF, etc. Also, maybe think about playing another Megaphone. Another one of those just in case scenarios in which they get a second tool onto a Garbodor or something like that. If that happens, poor little Drowzee could get KO'd.