Drowzee is your main attacker with bad vibes. victorybells ability allows you to discard a grass energy attached to it to make the defending pokemon posioned and confused, drowzee's attck bad vibes makes it so your oppenent flips tails for any coin flip during the turn. Dragalge is to stop the pokemon from retreating if poisioned. your only form of damage comes from virbank and your oponent fliping tails when they try to attack. Aside from the Virizion ex auto loss i fell like this deck could be raher annoying.
Edited to coincide with the rules!
4 Drowzee
4 Bellsprout
2 Weepinbell
4 Victreebell
2 Skrelp
2 Dragalge
4 Sycamore
4 N
4 Korrina
4 Rare candy
2 Ultra Ball
2 Energy Retrival
1 Sacred Ash
1 Dowsing Machine
1 Startling Megaphone
3 Virbank City Gym
4 Psychic
8 Grass
Drowzee is your main attacker with bad vibes. victorybells ability allows you to discard a grass energy attached to it to make the defending pokemon posioned and confused, drowzee's attck bad vibes makes it so your oppenent flips tails for any coin flip during the turn. Dragalge is to stop the pokemon from retreating if poisioned. your only form of damage comes from virbank and your oponent fliping tails when they try to attack. Aside from the Virizion ex auto loss i fell like this deck could be raher annoying.
Edited to coincide with the rules!