DSi Cheating Device

Panfu ROX :P said:
Ther is TT DSi!
a chip with downloading games with almost always Cheats (not platinum but yes D and P do have great cheats)

actually, it's called the DSTTi, and it does support cheating...I should know I have one, and that was one of the features it stated it had...but it doesn't automatically do the cheating for you, I think you still need a device like AR

LegendaryRockMaster said:
I use the pokemon modifier cheat to encounter pokemon you can't find in Diamond and Pearl.

hmmm, I didn't need it when I had Diamond, I pretty much had all encounter pokemon, and within 50 for a complete pokedex...only thing that was remaining were some legendaries and evolutions
The reason people use cheat devices is because it costs money in gas to get to them and if they can get things they normally could not then it is more power to them since it does save time and not only that money. We would not use them as much if they did the items over Wi-Fi more often rather than at a retail store where your DS could get stolen and if that happens you wil have lost all the effort you put into making your player thread. With the ability to clone helps to since it makes things easier for people to trade and don't have to worry about trading and event that they only have 1 of. This is why most of us here and everywhere else uses these things. It helps greatly but if you do a dangerous code it will mess your game over forever.:)
Dang I need one of those expensive DSi toys to use the pokewalker when they release HGSS, why is the dsi so expensive if it has no gba slot. The camera isn't even good and SD cards... ;(
xxashxx said:
The reason people use cheat devices is because it costs money in gas to get to them and if they can get things they normally could not then it is more power to them since it does save time and not only that money. We would not use them as much if they did the items over Wi-Fi more often rather than at a retail store where your DS could get stolen and if that happens you wil have lost all the effort you put into making your player thread. With the ability to clone helps to since it makes things easier for people to trade and don't have to worry about trading and event that they only have 1 of. This is why most of us here and everywhere else uses these things. It helps greatly but if you do a dangerous code it will mess your game over forever.:)

ummm, last time I went to a download event...most people I saw there, showed, downloaded the item for the even and left....how you can possibly have your DS/DSL/DSi stolen in that short amount of time is kinda beyond me, the chances of it happening are slimmer than walking outside your home and finding $500 that doesn't belong to anybody you know

cloning, I believe can be done without the use of a cheating device...plus, you run a good possibility that using a cheating device on pokemon may just nullify you for tournament events

I still don't see the point...ok, you save some gas by not taking a trip to a store that at some point in time you will probably go to anyway in order to obtain other things...the saving of time means absolutely nothing at all, unless you're trying to do some serious training for a tournament event that's gonna be happening without any time for you to prepare, (in which you probably won't be able to use things obtained from the cheating device, or may not even be able to use the game at all given the codes you use)...the excuse of saving time and/or money is a mute point

you have no reason to save on time, you're not pressed for time to do anything in the game...it's just some excuse to condone cheating

ZapCannon said:
Dang I need one of those expensive DSi toys to use the pokewalker when they release HGSS, why is the dsi so expensive if it has no gba slot. The camera isn't even good and SD cards... ;(

where did you hear that?
ZapCannon said:
I heard only the DSI has infrared communication port needed for the pokewalker.

if you scroll back through the news reports, there is an actual detailed story on the poke-walker and some of what it can do
GraveTheUndead said:
Why do you need Action Replay? No one can possibly be THAT bad at Pokemon.
It's not that people are bad at it they are just too lazy to EV train so they want to make teams via Action Replay and Pokesav. I mean who wants to spend like 5 weeks on IV and EV training all the time, seriously.

Codejunkies(company who make Action replay) haven't made a Action Replay for the DSi, only the DS lite and DS. I think that they would probably make one pretty soon though, here's the website: http://www.codejunkies.com/ they'll probably put news up here if they make a AR for the DSi, hope I helped =D
Dark Marc said:
It's not that people are bad at it they are just too lazy to EV train so they want to make teams via Action Replay and Pokesav. I mean who wants to spend like 5 weeks on IV and EV training all the time, seriously.

Codejunkies(company who make Action replay) haven't made a Action Replay for the DSi, only the DS lite and DS. I think that they would probably make one pretty soon though, here's the website: http://www.codejunkies.com/ they'll probably put news up here if they make a AR for the DSi, hope I helped =D
I prefer to use the Quick Exp gain cheat to the Super Exp gain. It may be slower but it will make it easier to EV train.
qnetykz said:
Game Genie, Game Shark, Action Replay...completely pointless...why must people use things like this to play a game, it's sad...I'd rather just play the game as is, no need for cheating, it actually brings down the fun of the game

like everybody else that doesn't cheat
You're defeating the purpose of this thread guys. No one really cares that you think cheat codes are lame and ruin the game. Tell that to the competitive members of websites like Smogon who use Action Replay to *boost* actions up such as generate faster eggs, cloning, or using PokeSav to generate teams that would be hard to make without. If you played competitively, there are codes that are "generally" accepted.

Anyways, don't expect a cheating device to come out any time soon. Maybe a year or even longer before one comes out.