• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Aspiring Trainer
I have been trying this deck on for a few weeks and it has done me well so far, I have only last a hand full of times in about 40 battles.

4-4 Golduck (TR Psyduck Tripping Headbutt/Golduck Natural Remedy)
3-3 Slowbro(2 HGSS, 1 UD/Slowpokes UD Rambunctious Party)
2-0-2 Kingdra Prime
1-1 Darkrai/Cresselia Legend
20 Pokemon

3 Prof. Elm Training Method
3 Dual Ball
2 BTS(in until July)
2 Rare Candy
3 Poke Communication
3 Prof. Oak New Theory
3 Judge
2 Fisherman
24 T/S/S/

2 Rescue Energy
2 Psychic
12 Water

Basic idea is to get Golduck ASAP. Along with Poke on bench and start flooding with energy. Once rotation hits BTS drops for 2 Candies. I am just stuck on getting feraligatr. Any ideas would be good.
RE: DuckMooned Masters

I play also Golduck TR. Try to get 2-1-2 Feraligatr Prime OR 3-3 Floatzel UL. The better choice would be Gatr Prime cause for nearly infinity NRG acceleration but Floatzel is faster to setup. Also make the Kingdra line a 2-1-2 and for the 2 BTS try Burned Tower to get afew NRG's from the discard pile back. The Slowbro isn't the best but it can replace with Gatr Prime line or Floatzel UL. Also the DCL is useless IMO. Try Suicune/Entei LEGEND, the Torrent Blade is beast I think. The 2 SSU could make room for 1 Seeker and another Rare Candy. And another 2 Water NRG for the 2 Psychic. Hope I could help.
RE: DuckMooned Masters

Well the Cl and the HS one is identical! What do you mean with choosing totodile?!!
RE: DuckMooned Masters

ProudPokePlayer said:
Well the Cl and the HS one is identical! What do you mean with choosing totodile?!!

There is one Idk the set it has one attack for three energies
RE: DuckMooned Masters

if your playing a legend, i think KGL would be best for you. Mill our opponent's deck and hit the bench, then what ever is still alive, spray splash

and dont play the newer CL basics - the originals are alot better IMO so i say just stick w/ the HS Toto
RE: DuckMooned Masters

@Azurial: Agreed! The HS Toto is better, cause:
1. Less retreat
2. Better attacks (u don't want to attack with Toto, but if u have to)
3. Better weakness