Dudunsparce ex from Battle Partners!


Grass-Type Gym Leader
News Staff
Dudunsparce ex and Dunsparce have been revealed from Battle Partners, which releases in Japan on January 24th. We expect most of the unreleased cards from this set to become part of the international set Journey Together, which releases in March.
Dunsparce – Colorless – HP70
Basic Pokémon
[C] Trading Places: Switch this Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
[C][C] Ram: 20 damage.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 1...

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Looks bad on paper but we can't ignore the fact that this ex could be a one-of addition to decks using the Dunsparce line as an engine to counter some meta decks. (Especially after rotation where Bidoof will be gone). I'm interested!
Yay, another card no one is waiting for.
I’m loving this card. The single-prize draw engine is great (only better after rotation) and this could surprise turn one of them into a revenge attacker, especially against Area Zero abusers. Albeit expensive, at least it has a Shred attack too.
It’s actually looking great as an 1-2 add on and maybe a deck looking on meta rn we love to place a lot of ex on bench, with area zero even more.
First attack might genuinely be better than it looks. Decks like Miraidon that aim to fill their entire bench with support 2-prizers t1 are going to stay common after rotation. Easiest 2 prizes ever for [C], plus who knows what kind of crazy special energies that provide [C] are yet to come.
It’s fine. Might see play in some b tier decks. I just will never play it because I genuinely hate using dudunsparce for drawing and I don’t see relevance for this outside of a tech in for decks doing that
Looks bad on paper but we can't ignore the fact that this ex could be a one-of addition to decks using the Dunsparce line as an engine to counter some meta decks. (Especially after rotation where Bidoof will be gone). I'm interested!
True, It's an interesting Tech-Card especially with so many deck running full exes