Ruling Dugtrio Unbroken Bonds

Javi Blizz

Spanish TCG Player
Hi guys! A friend and me both want to make a Dugtrio deck in expanded for fun to use in our local league, but we have a question: Unbrocken Bonds Dugtrio says that you have to have a stadium in play. But it says 'you have a stadium in play' instead of 'there is a stadium in play'. Does that mean that if there's a stadium in play from my opponent it does not add the extra 60 damage?

I think there was a similar wording with Fates Collide Barbaracle, but I don't remember the answer. Opinion from Judges or a copy from the Compendium would be gladly appreciated. Thanks!

This is the Dugtrio:
Yes it's just like the barbaricle. You only get the bonus damage if you have the stadium in play, not your opponent
There's a ruling in the Compendium-EX that makes this clear. said:
Q. For Espeon-EX's "Psyloop" attack, does a Stadium count as a Trainer on your opponent's side of the field. If it does, does it have to be set by opponent or can it be you as well?
A. If you play the Stadium, it's your Stadium card affecting play; if your opponent plays a Stadium, it's their Stadium card affecting play. Espeon-EX only cares about your opponent's Stadium cards (and your opponent's other Trainer cards)....not yours. (Sep 29, 2005 PUI Rules Team)