The funniest and dumbest thing to me in the anime, is the episode "Beauty and the Beach". For those of you who don't know, this was a banned episode due to some "inappropriate" content. I will not specify, but will go over the episode shortly. Correct me if I am wrong with some parts.
The episodes starts off with them swimming on the beach, and Misty comes out with a inflatable ball. They stare at Misty awkwardly because she looks pretty and "girly". Somehow afterwards they suddenly they find themselves on a boat which they "borrowed" because Pikachu was sitting in it. So they start driving too fast, and crash the boat into Team Rocket's submarine, which was below them. This forces them to collide with a dock nearby. Turns out the real owner of the boat and the dock, comes out and gets super mad at them. They are forced to work for him at his restaurant, because it is failing. So they bring out all their Pokemon to help bring customers in, which works!
While their business is thriving, Team Rocket is forced to make money to pay for their own submarine. So they start working at the rival restaurant, which is now losing customers. The rivalry begins, and Team Rocket and Ash start trading blows at each other. This ends up hurting both businesses, forcing both of them to join a bikini contest to pay for their debts. The contest is the main reason why this episode was banned.
So, once again they make it awkward by showing, revealing images during the contest. But the worst part is when Jesse and James come on stage to perform, they end up making a spectacular showing. But to do it, James inflates his own upper-body parts so they appear as huge, right in front of kids! This was a problem because there were some transgender issues at the time in English-speaking countries, therefore making this sensitive. To me this was really funny when I watched it, but kids were probably grossed out all across Japan. Another funny part is, Ash's mom is participating in the contest making things even weirder. Ash's mom ends up winning, plus the shop owner gets his own boat to travel the seas with, which was his dream. This closes the weirdest episode, in Pokemon history
I hope this explains why this episode is so weird, sensitive, and funny. If you are willing to watch it, I hope you do because it is hilarious. But don't say I didn't warn you about the material.