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(Just so you guys know, if you want to move on, I wait until the party prompt, just a heads up in since it wasn't explicitly stated)
Even if I can’t help mark the trees, there’s really nowhere else to go but down this path, and waiting around won’t help anything. What do you guys think?
I definitely want to go down that path ASAP, but I won't leave our leader behind. For my own safety, and for theirs of course.
Let's go!
It seems interesting~

Not that we have any other choice... when did Turtwig start thinking I'm a leader?

By the way, italicized colored text for me is Fennekin talking to herself.
As the party moves on, they twist and wind through the small forest path, taking care to keep an eye out for any wild Pokemon. Nothing seems to interrupt them on this journey until they arrive at a small clearing. While the clearing itself doesn't have anything particularly notable about it, Charmander manages to notice several footprints heading out East along a straight path that heads back into the thicker area of trees (I am sorry, I tried to get an image for the footprints but I can't find anything I like. I will try again in the morning if a decision on where to go hasn't been reached). Meanwhile Turtwig hears what sounds like a stream of water up North, also following a rough path, though with far fewer trees surrounding it. To the West, there is a third path heading into the thicket of trees, soon winding beyond the tree line.
You guys hear that stream of water? It sounds like it's coming from that direction *points to the path up North*. I sure could use some water to freshen up, what about you all?
I don't mind where we go, as long as we go somewhere fun.
The river could be interesting, but the other two paths seem intriguing also...
The party continues to sit around doing nothing as time slowly passes. All unwilling to make a decision, or even communicate. Tree shadows slowly grow as the party waits, and Turtwig, Fennekin and Froakie all realize they haven't eaten all day.
Oh no, my leaf is wilting badly, I need water stat. *rushes towards the stream of water* (There better not be any Caterpie over there.)
I know I said I'm fine with going anywhere... but that river is looking very attractive right now. Let's go?
The party moves northward, soon reaching a small creek and a grove of flowers. Red petals, two shades of Purple, Orange, Blue and Yellow flowers, a soft bed of a mellow scent. There are a few lilies floating in the water, just before small rapids, responsible for the sound. Next to a tree, is a small stone shrine, overgrown by some vines. There can be seen seven offering urns, where Pokemon once would have prayed for something, however the overgrowth is hiding a significant portion of the shrine itself. Beyond this, there appears to be little else. No paths leading away from here, no Pokemon ready to attack or defend, and no food for the empty stomachs of the party.
*looks around after freshening up* Wow, this place is beautiful! I wonder why it has been abandoned. Who were they praying for anyways?
No clue, but I’m starving. Let’s head back and try one of the other paths.
This place seems important, but we have to eat... maybe the path with the footprints might lead to food?
The party back tracks before heading eastward, following the footsteps of some Pokemon. As they continue walking they begin to hear the sounds of some Pokemon milling around. Having the opportunity to get the drop on two Feral Sentret one of which is holding a small sack, the party will get to act first for sure, surprising their opponents.

Action order is

@TheFlyingPidove @Ephemera @Professor_jplap @Blakers
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