Attack: 10
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 9
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 3
To an extent, the other DnD attributes as well as certain mechanics from PMD (IQ, etc) will make a difference in how certain events in the game would play out. But because of the style and nature of the game, we're going to be veering away from too many small rng factors. Instead I want the focus on you guys actually interacting with the world, rather than strictly relying on skill checks. That way anything that can and does happen is even further dictated by you guys as players instead of myself, which should make the experience more enjoyable.By the way, will personality-related DnD skills like Charisma and Perception have any kind of representation? Obviously there isn't a literal skill for it here, but will we be able to do rolls related to it- dependant on things like our Nature or stats?
Fixed@mirdo your stat total is also currently 57.
Nooo I was gonna be ShinxPokémon: Shinx
Gender: Male
Ability: Intimidate
Class: Swordsman
Nature: Rash
Melee Weapon: Ice Fang
Ranged Weapon: Shock Wave
HP: 10
Attack: 11
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 12
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 10
I was /this/ close to picking Magikarp. Keeper talked me out it. :<@Jabberwock y u no pick 1HP smh those were good times.
Oh I'm sorry xd blame it on Keeper :lNooo I was gonna be Shinx. Whatever, guess I'm going as Riolu then!
Usually a safe choice.blame it on Keeper :l
Whatever, guess I'm going as Riolu then!![]()
Pokémon: Chimchar
Of course it's legit! Any Chimchar can name themselves Riolu if they want
Just pointing out the fact that Chimchar is giving Jabber's 'Seems legit' the thumbs-up.
Accuracy is a factor, yes. That's why even though a move may seem more powerful (with higher BP) the drawbacks may not be worth it. Since strength is majorly decided based on your own stats first rather than the attacks, the difference in power is noticeable, but for the most part minimal.Keeper, how are the attacks going to work? I'd like to replace Ice Beam for Blizzard, but I wouldn't want to be stuck with an attack that fails often; is accuracy a concern I should have? (or consider if I want to stick with it until I can get Hail?)
I would note that weather affects the area you're in, and works the same way that it does in PMD or other games. Your team is not made invulnerable to your attacks.
TBH your history with RNG isn't exactly what I'd call reassuring. DxHey, it's me! I might find a way to make it work. Or, I could fail and kill them all by accident.
Really, it has always been one of the two with me.