Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

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Fine. I'll go to the lake. But I refuse to get my wings wet!
@Keeper of Night Onward we go down the dripping sound tunnel; time for a swim, or a battle with a giant sea snake, either sounds quite refreshing after tromping through this cave for a while :)
*Spoink snorts and suddenly wakes up*

Oh goodness. It looks like my bouncing was so hypnotic that I ended up forgetting to do anything else. How embarrassing (it would be if Spoinks were capable of feeling shame.)

I still wonder about the door. Should someone investigate using the statue with the "Key" rune on it?

Oh well we can do that after @Keeper of Night charging madly towards the lake with the rest.

Maybe we'll find some sushi there.
This walking-around--in-circles-until-we-get-back-to-where-we-came-from reminds me of an aghostly illusion, and also that strange incident that occured many, many years back. ...What was that town called? Alatama? Aloamas? Altamose? I give up.

Fine, fine, let's go to this lake. (@Keeper of Night) Who knows, it might not even be a lake? Yay optimism
What if the dripping sound is another Pokémon in the same situation as us?
Or it could be hostile

then we rescue it or fight it or rescue it and then fight it. dw i will protect you
Ooooh maybe it's ... cupcakes?

Something delicious?

That er... drips... and splashes... and hisses in the dark "Yum spoinks are so delishussssssh".

That's comforting!

You... you're not going to try to eat me, are you? It's just you're grinning somewhat maniacally here.
"Nono, I don't eat Pigs. Pork is good though." Mouth waters

"Cloud Wings, your wings are clouds, and clouds are water"
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