So, I guess we either forget about the doll and move forward, or we continue to check out the doll, and probably get in a fight. It's your call.
Noibat picks up the glowing straw doll. Nothing happens.@Keeper of Night I'll head on over and try out my arcana
Vulpix heads over to the edge of the cliff the group is standing on, and leans over.@Keeper of Night
I'll go back to the outcropping and see what changed.
Spoink dons a very fashionable trench coat from who knows where and, after grabbing it back from Noibat, sticks the straw doll inside.@Keeper of Night I'll tuck the doll into a pocket of my sweater to take it with me wherever we end up going.
Litwick lets out a sigh, and slowly begins walking back downward where they just came from.@Keeper of Night I'll also go down to that outcropping below.
Ta-da!@Keeper of Night
Are there anything distinguishing the dolls? Are they humans? Pokemon? Abstract representation of Cheese?
Finally someone who agrees to not touch the creepy dolls and says we should go up. Thank you duskull for having some common senseOk, so we should probably avoid picking up anymore blair witch dolls and continue...upwards?
You're gonna want more people around for this next part anyway.
Sorry I haven't been on at all recently. Been away from a computer for 1.5 weeks, which temporarily caused me to ignore this game. I'll be able to continue participating in a couple of days.Delayed because ugh.
Also @Little Cherrim @NinjaPenguin activity check.
You're gonna want more people around for this next part anyway.
Also somebody help the poor owl.Anyone wanna catch me up to what's happening?
Salandit picks another doll up off the ground and tears it apart!@Keeper of Night I'll take a straw doll and rip it up with my teeth.