Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

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*snort, snuzzle, oink*

Oh hey! I fell asleep but the sound of the river freezing woke me up! Let's follow the river @Keeper of Night, maybe there will be some nice pearls there. And @Keeper of Night I'll also look at the plants around to see if there's anything edible. Like a coconut.

Gosh I want a coconut so bad.
@Keeper of Night
Bagon walks across the path that vulpix made
Let's follow the river @Keeper of Night, maybe there will be some nice pearls there. And @Keeper of Night I'll also look at the plants around to see if there's anything edible. Like a coconut.

Bagon and Spoink prepare to cross the river, awaiting their friends that are still on the cliff above them.

A coconut drops into Spoink's hands from... Somewhere.

@Jadethepokemontrainer @Epist @NinjaPenguin @Blakers
Eeeeek! A falling coconut! Not the Exeggutor again!
The group carefully crosses the frozen river path. Almost immediately after they reach the other side, the forest seems to have surrounded them. The tropic, coastal trees visible from the shoreline quickly melt into thick jungle. The light, whatever it really was, filtered in from overhead. The air was hot and humid. Sounds of life could be heard on every side, and yet, still no sign of where Krookodile could have gone.

The waterfall could still be heard off to their left. Ahead of them must still lead to the other cave wall, but who know what lay between them and there.
No telling what could be on their right, either.

They were, more than ever before, lost.
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