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Durant Deck Out

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Spidy said:
they will most likly have something on the bench even without drifloon
and who is to say they would lay down something that you would want active

and whether they kill a drifblim or a durant is irrelevant
its still a prize card they take, and its not like its hard to bring durant back

True but with how many cards durant mills and crushing hammer, lost remover and catcher its better to keep 1 attacker on the field if it can 1 shot durant or else your going to deck out, at least this is how I beat durant at cites. I used a lone tornadus and I had to attach a total of 2 dce and 5 energy to keep him attacking, I think I had 12 cards left in my deck when I won
I thought of something while watching my friend Rod play at a cities tournament. He was gatting hit alot for pokemon with special energies, so what about runnig a 1-1 Scizor Prime set? Use Scyther UD 36 After Image strike to stall your opponent while you get the Durants built back up and ready to go, or use Scizor as a heavy hitter, and abuse it's Red Armor to stall. This is a last resort tactic, but with how much people use DCE and Rainbow energies, it could be pretty good for stalling or maybe even getting prized Durants, Supporters, Trools, or Trainers.
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